Saturday, March 30, 2013

Did you ever know that you're my hero...? Hey Buck

Did you ever know that you’re my hero…?  (subtitled – Hey Buck I’m talking bout you)

John 1:5  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

I have a little brother.  Most of you don’t know this because some of you I know some of you I don’t know and well some of yall know me and just don’t know this.  All and all don’t worry about the who, the what, the when and the where. Just know that I have a little brother and he is my Hero.

Totaled combined if I had to sit down and do the calculations he and I have probably spent about a week together combined over both our lives.  We don’t talk much, we text every now and again, so I’ve got to admit it may come to a shock to even him that he’s my hero, although every now and again I call him Superman.

I remember the first time my dad introduced us it was on the playground near my Grandma Esther’s (yep the cake baker).  I can’t remember how old I was, but I fell in love from the moment I saw him.  He had a big head and cornrows and was chubby.   I lugged him around bragging about this cute ball of handsome was my little brother.  I didn’t see him again until my father’s funeral, about 18 years later.  Then once at my older brother’s house for Thanksgiving five years later.  We didn’t talk much at either meeting, just hugged said we loved each other and that we would keep in touch.  (I didn’t)

Twelve years passed before we would lay eyes on each other again.  My oldest brother called me almost around this time last year and said our little brother had been shot.  I was headed back to Charlotte at the time.  Several thoughts went through my head, I didn’t know this man my brother what in the world had happened was he in a gang, was he involved in something horrible.  And even if he was who and the hell would DARE hurt my BABY BROTHER.

I later learned that it was a 53 year old man who was robbing the store that my brother managed.  If my brother hadn’t turned as the gun was being discharged he would likely be dead!  But he turned! 

My brother was flown to Atlanta, Georgia and his family came together in an amazing way to support help and love all over him.  I drove to Atlanta to see him and this meeting is where I placed the superman cape on his shoulders and knew that I had met a hero. 

It was reported that he would not walk again.  He had received nerve damage from the bullet.  I knew he had gotten shot towards his back on the side.  He said the bullet hitting his back hurt, but it was the fire in his legs that was horrible to him.  My hero sat before me not bitter not angry simply reflective of what had occurred to him only weeks before.  With no anger in his eyes he talked about walking again and his plans for the future.  We talked about our dad and he talked to me as if we had talked every day.  He brought back memories of our father and we laughed and sat in silence at times.  It’s so hard to explain but I knew I was in the room with greatness.  His calm, wise , intelligent, strong  forgiving spirit.  was mind blowing to me.  The proud lion’s glow he had when he spoke of his children and how he loved seeing his family come together the way they had for him.  And he called me sister simply because that’s who I am to him.  No anger about why I wasn’t more involved, where I had been why I never called.  He loves me like a sister simple and plain, because he chooses too.

So why is this man my hero.  He is my hero because of his character.  His character when he could have shown the worse of himself and who would have blamed him.  He continues to act in love kindness and amazing strength and  I even dare say forgiveness.  There are many angry people in the world that less things have been done to.  But my little brother chooses to be a good man, a kind man, a strong man, a loving man, a role model to his children and to me. 

My brother can’t fly (I bet he could if he tried), he doesn’t sling spider webs, or have any cool gadgets.  There are many people in the world who go through the day to day ups and downs, but it’s the ones that go against the norm, that smile when they want to cry, fight when they want to quit, stand strong when they want to run, love when they could choose to hate, give when they ain’t got nothing left.  These people, my brother they are the true super heroes.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Excuse me could you repeat that aka You know I'm black...

Excuse me could you repeat that! (Subtitled) You know I’m black right?!

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

 The story that popped into my mind was about an interesting conversation that I had with a little girl named Missy (Not her real name to protect the innocent – you will see why later).

I’ve worked since I was about 16 years old.  But for a brief time one summer my freshman year in college I was back at home and jobless.  I won’t lie to you (ain’t got no reason too) I was enjoying not working, but there was one small thing messing up my peace.  My little neighbor Missy (bless her heart).  This kid would knock on my door everyday to see if I wanted to play.  I’m a big kid at heart not much has changed about that and Missy my little blond blue eyed five or six year old neighbor would often come by and I would hang outside with her.  A little hopscotch, a little jump rope, whatever.  Fortunately though in the past I worked or I was in school during the week, so the interruption was only during the weekends. 

Now everyday Missy was knocking on my door (Lord, please let me find a job I prayed).  Well one day Missy and I were outside picking butter cups checking our chins to see if we liked butter, when Missy said to me “I don’t like black people!”

There are many defining moments in your life big and small and how you handle them, may not change your life, but trust me somebody’s life is about to be changed!

Excuse me I said (And no my hands weren’t on my hips and I didn’t even cock my head to the side and give her the eye) what did you just say sweetie.  Without a thought to the wind and as quick as ever Missy said I hate black people. 

Several words went through my head several colorful not for a six year old’s innocent ears to hear words danced through my head.  Then something hit me.  Now how do I respond to this blatant racist (all be it innocent) comment.  Hmm I could put my hands on my hips and tell her to tell her mother (because the home is where I assumed she had learned her hatred)  that I said she better “Bleep bleep, before I bleep bleep bleep”   Or I could tell her to go and tell the little group of kids right over there what she just told me and watch them whip her tail.  Fine! Fine all unacceptable I know, but come on man!  Fortunately wisdom kicked in and I instead said, hey Missy did you know I’m black?

I wish I could have taken a picture of how big those blue eyes were.  She was shocked!  Let me clear something up for you.  If you’re reading this and you didn’t know yet well  I’m black and not just a little bit.  I describe myself to the horror of some as fried chicken brown.  My skin is golden and bright and in my opinion the color of chicken fried hard.  (Don’t get all weird on me either I’ve seen just as many Whites, Asians ,and Latinos eat chicken as I have African Americans) .

I then asked Missy if she liked me.  With all her wonderful six year old passion.  She said well I love you Nene.  I said ok, so let’s not say we don’t like black people, ok?  (One so that these kids around here don’t kick your butt and two, just maybe I helped somebody who was on the path of racism see the world a little different).
The point to this very true very funny very sad story – is teach the young ones just to love that’s all just love!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Suicide!!!! You will be missed.

Psalms 3:13 Look at me! Answer me, O LORD my God! Revive me, or else I will die!

******   I know an odd title for an inspirational blog but hang in there with me.******

My Great Aunt Jametta who is still alive and kicking at 80 plus years  is one of the friendships that I cherish so much as an adult.  One great thing for me about getting older is that my relationships with my relatives changed from being my baby sitter when I was a kid, a chaperone/driver when I was a teen, to now  as a an adult with a child of my own, into a deep wonderful friendship .  The first time my aunt  cursed on the phone while we were talking tripped me out, I almost dropped the phone.  One she’s not one to curse (unless you take her parking space or get in her way on one of her many senior trip adventures) and second (clutching my pearls) my sweet bread pudding making aunt  just swore!
Of course cursing is not  the defining moment in a  deeper relationship, but my  point is she looked at me not as her little niece but as a friend and a confidant as she expressed herself.  And when I say friendship,  Aunt Jametta and I talk at least once a week, if not more.   She and I laugh about tv shows, funny things that happened at the senior living center she lives at (and let me tell you they should have their own reality show), sometimes we even talk about men.      One day she sort of caught me off guard though.  My Aunt , my sister girl, my ace was telling me about making sure her will was in order and that she had paid off  her plot at the cemetery.  Let me clear up any confusion right now Aunt Jametta wasn’t thinking about committing suicide or anything like that.  She is beautiful and in great health, but as she reminded me - "Child I am old I won’t live forever."  You will i have anything to do with it I wanted to scream.  But all and all I made a joke about her final resting place being across the road from her already passed husband and she said, "He can look but he bet not cross that road." 

My heart did sink a little that day though.  This beautiful woman filled every memory I have in my life.  The world without her will be so different.  My Aunt Jametta is our Oprah when it comes to gift giving.  But instead of diamonds and high dollar items she blesses us with some of the most unique gifts you would ever expect to pull out of your Aunt Jametta Christmas bag.  There may be the old reliable gift of new socks (usually the ones with the individual toe spaces), but guaranteed there is going to be a cabbage in there, a pencil shaped like a duck, a am/fm walkman radio shaped like a bear.    My bag always has something a little more unique then the other bags she hands out to her children, grandchilrdren, nieces and nephews (but I’m her favorite, at least in my mind).  I even chuckled at the time she got about 50 lbs of Jelly beans  donated to her (she use to take care of children) She froze them (she is the freeze master!)and we ate Jelly beans for over a year it was crazy.

I don’t know why thinking of her made me think on folks who are ready to depart this world, but here we are.  The thought  of all the memories with her drifted into thoughts of those who want to commit suicide.  The people who in one way or another feel that they are not needed on this planet any longer.  Trust me there is someone out there who will think back and reflect on on a memory of you and the empty place that you have now left.  The place that only you could fill. 

v  Maybe you are the friend who always gives it to them straight

v  Maybe you are the neighbor who always smiles

v  Maybe you’re the person who let me get in front of you on a busy traffic day

v  Maybe you’re one of the people who read my blog, symbolized just by a number, but your number moved my soul when my views went from two to three!

  The point you might not (sadly) mean something to the people you feel you should mean something too, but you mean something to someone You are important You are so important.  I don’t know anything about how you can find your purpose LOL (laugh out Loud) I read the “Purpose Driven Life,” and I will confess – I didn’t get it.  I wanted that last page to say “Senetra your purpose is…”  And I wish I could stop whatever pain or depression you are in.  I can ask you to pray and I will pray too.  But I demand that you know you are necessary you are important  there is no smile like yours there is no gift like yours – Hope this helps you hold on!  You are loved and you will be missed!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What’s up? You alright (pronounced Aaw ite)?

Subtitle Mr. Rogers (bless his soul don’t have nothing on my NEIGHBORS)

Then the LORD said to Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?" "I don't know," he replied. "Am I my brother's keeper?"  Genesis 4:9

 This neighbor shout out and call to love is motivated by the incident of March 6, 2013.  It started off a simple beautiful morning.  I woke up tired, because hey that’s how it be sometimes.  Got the kid ready she was working on breakfast number two because the first one she didn’t like.  I’m pretty sure I was working on my third or fourth yell. Seriously get dressed or I will leave you.  I’ve got to go to work.  Why does it take a six year old 20 minutes to put on socks – oh because she’s sucking her fingers and consumed by the Mickey Mouse club house.

 I ran down stairs to go warm the car up.  Yes even in the South you still can’t take the North out of the girl and I went to crank the Echo up.  Low and behold some busy overwhelmed   Momma had apparently left the keys in the ignition – Not running  ( I’m not that worn out), but in the on position, which FYI will drain your battery – who knew.

I didn’t curse I didn’t shout.  I concluded that I was going to be late and would need to call Triple A.  I glanced at my neighbor’s house and thought oh well let me try.  My neighbor works a later shift then I do and I know on this cold day she would be sleeping good (grammar correct says use well, but I like good).  In my most humble voice I asked how she was doing.  She groaned she was fine and asked”What’s up?   You alright”.  I don’t call her in the morning or for that matter really at all. 

Can you give me a jump the Echo is down?  Sleepy gravelly voice said one word, "cool" and she hung up.  I’m thinking I wonder if she even knew who she was talking to.  I grabbed my too short jumper cables from the trunk and glanced towards my other neighbors house who was apparently resting on a vacation day because he is usually gone way before me.  Well I’ve woken one might as well wake the other one.  And in an even  more tired voice I heard him ask you alright– yes I’m alright but do you have jumper cables.  One word, Yep and he hung up. 

A little anxious since neither neighbor asked who I was or commented on coming right out.  I went back in the house to ponder plan B because clearly these resting jokers weren’t coming out.  About a minute later, rocking sweats and a tank top my female neighbor came out in 40 degree weather – she mumbled I just got to turn the truck around.  Apparently BMW’s have batteries in the back – As she was turning the truck around my other neighbor, in shorts in a really big winter coat eyes still half closed , hands holding cables big enough to jump an 18 wheeler grumbled do you have the keys.  I had them in my hand at this point.  He gave one smart comment about why I didn’t just leave them in the ignition then he commenced to doing the man thing (I love the man thing) he hooked his cables  up and got the car going!  He sleep walked back to his house and so did my other neighbor both groggily saying no problem as I thanked them.   I never missed a beat I was early dropping off the kid who finally got her socks on and I made it to work on time! 

Now I’m sure I would have done the same for them but the point is they did it for me!  Sometimes the world can truly feel like a lonely place, but I’m sure learning that I am surrounded by blessings and one of the most precious is the people who take care of you and expect nothing in return – their simple desire is to know “You  alright”

Oh yes your neighbors may play their music too loud.  Or there guest may park in your clearly marked space and yes if that one neighbor doesn’t take her trash cans back to the designated area you want to scream.  At the end of the day and in this case the beginning of the day, when a problem rises, all those petty thoughts are put to the side, because in Community you are your brother’s keeper.   


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I'm a mean Ole Lion - GGRRRR

I’m a mean ole lion!

Proverbs 28:1 The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions.
The Wiz plays at the Gusman Center September 2
The Wiz (1978) is one of my all time favorite movies.  I think I was six when the movie came out.  I actually don’t recall seeing it at the movie theater, but in elementary school if you went to Phyllis E Williams, in Largo Maryland,  we watched that movie it seemed every last week of school, when the teachers were tired of us and we were tired of them and we were all just waiting for the summer break to begin.   Wow, now that I think about it I have to laugh because this movie was on an actual movie projector – There was no VCR excuse me I mean Beta movie players.
I loved the Wiz for so many reasons.  I had seen the Wizard of Oz several times, but the Wiz; it just mesmerized me from the music to the dancing even the lines were great.  And of course my “Poster Boyfriend” Michael Jackson was in it, so this was a must see.  If you’ve never seen the Wiz its basically the Wizard of Oz with pizzazz! 

Just this past week I was in the car and decided that I was tired of listening to the radio and all the commercials.  So I broke out my CD folder and pulled out the Wiz soundtrack, and popped it in the player.   My favorite song on the cd is track 13 – “I’m a mean ole lion.” 

You’ve got to understand the Lion in the Wiz was bad (and I mean good).  His Lion suit was a three piece suit with a pimp style collar and he had swagger.  I remember jumping about ten feet when he burst out of a statue to scare Dorothy, the Tin Man and the Scarecrow.  He strutted around singing that he would turn their day in to night and snarl because he was a mean ole Lion.

Well Toto (yes same name as in The Wizard oz) wasn’t having it.  He went after that Lion like any little dog with a little dog complex would do!  All of the Lion’s bravado was gone.  He coward back and the crew quickly learned that the supposed mean ole lion was a big fraidy cat.  Instead of bullying him (word for you young people out there) They decided to partner up with the Lion, to see the Wiz so that the Lion could get some courage.

If you don’t know this particular version of the Wiz, well things go pretty bad after they befriend the Lion.  There is a man with some creepy puppets in the subway, trash cans start attacking them and even the poles come after them.  Don’t even get me started on the Monkey Motorcycle gang that’s after them.  The lion in seventies terms  decides he’s going to“split” and runs the fastest from this entire crazy scary  scene.  When he looks back he sees his friends are far behind him and are calling for help.  He  runs back to help them scared all the while and rescues his friends.  When faced with a challenge that didn’t involve him but involved his new found friends he dropped his fear or maybe he took his fears with him but he took action!  He was suddenly a mean ole lion.  Fighting to save his friends.

Martin Luther King Jr.  said “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and conveniences, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. “  

 Trust in the God given Gifts you have and let your character SHINE!  Even in the dark places when you want to run and hide!

** Here is the link clip of the Lion singing “I’m a mean ole Lion.”