Thursday, October 3, 2013

I got a Testimony...Echo I got a Testimony

You better run until somebody

 Matthew 10:29-31

Living Bible (TLB)

29 Not one sparrow (What do they cost? Two for a penny?) can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. 30 And the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 So don’t worry! You are more valuable to him than many sparrows.
Brother Echo Jumps

If you didn't know my car was stolen on September 1, 2013.  As my Pastor would say "Pit happens!" and for all intents and purposes this should have been a pent moment.

September 1, 2013 was a Sunday and this incident should have meant no church for me...because although I play a billionaire in my head this is a one car household, but a friend jumped in and took me to church.  The following day was Labor day.  No cookouts to walk to so this should have meant me and my mini me were trapped in the house bored with nothing to do.  However another friend jumped in and picked my daughter up and took her on a cookout.  I didn't get to go, but the peace in my house without hearing :"Momma" a million times was priceless.  The next day was work, I should have been using a vacation day since I had no way to get to work.  Without batting an eyelash my friend, neighbor, and Mommy away from home handed over the keys o her very nice ride and she got a ride home from work, so that I could get to work and pick my daughter up.  Day three another friend came through without me even asking let me use her daughter's car who was away at school and she said just give it back when you don't need it.

Well the time of not needing it came about 14 days later, because Miracle of Miracles, the Echo was found.  Not just found, but quite honestly better than I had had her.  She )the echo_ appeared to have been washed well, the mirror that use to fall off when I hit a speed bump was taped up, the belt wasn't squeaking and I'm still not sure if it is my imagination but the tires appear new on the back!  The same week my car was found was the same week the young lady whose car I was using came home.  She dropped me off to get my car and I thanked and gave her, her car back. 

Can you say right on time!

Some people have commented that as nice as I treat folks, that nice things should come back to me.  I don't accept that though.  There are a lot of nice folks out there and I can't say for sure but I don't know if nice things always happen back to them, but I've had some not nice things happen to me. 

I declare that God rocked this situation like only He can and I know he didn't do it just for me, but for me to tell others just how great He is.  In the big scheme of things I am just a little bird, but he protects guides  provides for me, beyond my actions good and bad.

So I write all this to share a miracle in my life.  A miracle because my car came back good as new, we never missed a beat, and I still don't have a car note.

All glory to God!  I'm here to tell you that He is quite real, quite amazing, and very right on time.

May God bless you with miracles to share with the world.  One by one we let somebody know about his love kindness mercy and favor beyond whether we are good bad funny or sad He will provide!