Monday, December 9, 2013

Ponder me this Ponder me that...My Christmas thoughts

Ponder me this Ponder me that...The Christmas thoughts

  Christmas pondering by me!

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. 

Tis the season right.  The season of watching people fight over TVs on sale, ponder how they are going to make ends meet and survive Christmas.  Who is traveling where and how each of us will get there because travel expenses ain't like it use to be.  A season to wonder when the day  will actually come that they will start showing  Christmas commercials right after the back to school sales, because isn't Christmas all about the sales in the giving and gifts.  The spending hard earned or maybe not so hard earned money on making kids smile by giving them even more than their little hearts desired and have sometimes earned. 
I know and I have been told I have a gift for the sarcastic.  And of course I am being sarcastic now, but doesn't it sometimes feel like that is where this holiday is headed.

Let's take it back!  Yes we could argue that there was really no manger involved and that Jesus' birthday is not even really on the 25th of December.  Let's not to forget to discuss the paganism of the Christmas tree and the Yule log.  Then there is the Santa Clause thing is he in is he out.  Do i really want my child to think that someone comes into this house and just magically drops off gifts?  Well maybe I do...
Focus I say focus.  Don't buy into the only idea of Christmas as how the world describes it to you.  What does Christmas really mean to your heart your spirit?  My prayer is that it means something.  Not just the giving and getting but that it is a time to ponder the birth of a King and the rebirth of a nation.  Look at your beautiful children and think Wow even though they can get on my nerves if I knew that their birth and ultimate death would save the world, could I let them go.  If I knew that my child would be loved, hated, envied, accused and scarified, to save folks that I will never even meet ...Could I do it.  Christmas is a time to honor the beginning of an amazing sacrificial life.  The greatest gift ever being brought into the world.  No gift that we can give now will ever compare...

 So maybe if this season we choose to love fiercely respect gregariously forgive without limits maybe if these were the gifts we presented to one another that we can come slightly close to the greatest present we ever received.

Ponder that. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Ponder me this Ponder me that...The Christmas thoughts

Christmas pondering by me!

Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace


Tis the season right.  The season of watching people fight over TVs on sale, ponder how they are going to make ends meet and survive Christmas.  Who is traveling where and how each of us will get there because travel expenses ain't like it use to be.  A season to wonder when the day  will actually come that they will start showing  Christmas commercials right after the back to school sales, because isn't Christmas all about the sales in the giving and gifts.  The spending hard earned or maybe not so hard earned money on making kids smile by giving them even more than their little hearts desired and have sometimes earned. 

I know and I have been told I have a gift for the sarcastic.  And of course I am being sarcastic now, but doesn't it sometimes feel like that is where this holiday is headed.

Let's take it back.  Yes we could argue that there was really no manger involved and that Jesus' birthday is not even really on the 25th of December.  Let's not to forget to discuss the paganism of the Christmas tree and the Yule log.  Then there is the Santa Clause thing is he in is he out.  Do i really want my child to think that someone comes into this house and just magically drops off gifts.


Focus I say focus.  Don't buy into the only idea of Christmas as how the world describes it to you.  What does Christmas really mean to your heart your spirit?  My prayer is that it means something.  Not just the giving and getting but that it is a time to ponder the birth of a King and the rebirth of a nation.  Look at your beautiful children and think Wow even though they can get on my nerves if I knew that their birth and ultimate death would save the world, could I let them go.  If I knew that my child would be loved, hated, envied, accused and scarified, to save folks that I will never even meet ...Could I do it.  Christmas is a time to honor the beginning of an amazing sacrificial life.  The greatest gift ever being brought into the world.  No gift that we can give now will ever compare...

 So maybe if this season we choose to love fiercely respect gregariously forgive without limits maybe if these were the gifts we presented to one another that we can come slightly close to the greatest present we ever received.

Ponder that.