Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Drive by Prayer...

Drive by prayer (based on a true story)

1 Thessalonians 5:25 - Brothers, pray for us.

My Saturday started off as any other Saturday...Mommy I'm hungry...Honey what's for breakfast?
After the eggs were cracked and eaten coffee and hot chocolate (with a specific number of marshmallows and three cubes of ice and favorite spoon) had been sipped.  It was time to get ready for the 10 billion things I promised I was going to do this weekend.  Like cell phone roll over minutes several things had rolled over from several weeks.
We all finally got out of the house and I was ready to attack my goals, task, and adventures like a task master.  About two minutes into my drive, I got distracted.  Usually signs on the side of the road for fish fries and barbeque get my attention.  This sign was different though.  It actually made me LOL (LAUGH OUT LOUD - Literally - not the fake social media one)
The  yellow sign the man was holding simply said "Drive by Prayer!"
And off to the side there was a little tent set up in the strip mall parking lot and some other people holding up signs that said Drive by Prayer...
I couldn't resist I mean come on!!!!
So I pulled the Echo into the parking lot (All you Echo fans she's still hanging in there!) 
One of the sign holders spoke over my laughter and said would you like us to pray for you.  I sure do this is Awesome!  She then asked if I would turn off my car and while I sat still belted in the driver's seat she prayed for me!  This lady who has never seen me a day in her life prayed.  Then a gentleman came over to the car with a bag lunch and a bottle of water for me.  I started the Echo back up and off I went, full of love, faith, and a church bag lunch.
Best roadside distraction I have EVER had.
Random acts of kindness are priceless, but random prayers well I choose to believe those are eternal.
Pray for yourself, pray for your family, pray for that dude just walking by!