Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I pray you favor...(subtitled) A lesson from group text!

I pray you favor...(subtitled) A lesson from group text!


1 Peter 3:12-13King James Version (KJV)
12 For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.   13 And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?

It's been awhile, a butterfly landed on my fingers and said I haven't heard from you in awhile and I ignored creation, then he sent an angel that said hey "Hey Auntie why haven't I seen a blog in a while?"  So I'm back, you might not want to listen to talking butterflies but when you get called out by family well...God is trying to tell you something.

Favor ain't fair...I've heard it preached and thought maybe even shouted "Preach Preacher"  Of course my thought was that I am walking in favor, so fair or not I'm covered.  I was so moved by the service that I sent out a group text to all my friends "favor ain't fair - be blessed from the rooter to the tooter"

Now let me tell you something about group text - simply put they suck.  Because everybody in your group don't know everybody else in the group, so you get a lot of reply text back asking who is this...Of course they ask in a kind way, Bless your heart and do I know you?

One person responded in a way that stuck with me though...
There reply was "I don't want nothing that ain't fair" 

Hmm my mind whirled with this new interjection on my new catch phrase.  Wow do I really want something that isn't fair.  I'm a good kind person and I never want to be seen as unfair.  Maybe "Favor ain't Fair" is wrong, do I really want anything I didn't deserve.

 As quick as the questionable seed was planted it was uprooted by this thought.  I could never earn all that I have, If I lived a million years and had a thousand tongues I could never achieve the things that I have achieved, the grace that has covered me, the healing that has let me continue to breath even when I don't honor my temple.  I would never be, without He that is in me and his favor over my steps.

So two lessons from this blog I pray you take...
No God's favor isn't fair and you better thank God that its not, because what we deserve is not our fate because of his son.
And two seriously group text are just confusing, if you can't take the time to call someone at the least text them individually.  This means you - me.

I pray and hope that you receive God's Favor.