Saturday, November 29, 2014

Closer to God...Me and you or maybe I stick with Closer to God

Closer to God...Me and you or maybe I stick with Closer to God

Job 8:21 - Till he fill thy mouth with laughing, and thy lips with rejoicing.

A long time ago when I was in high school, before DVR and Tivo, there was Beta. 

And we had one as well as an Atari system, but that is a conversation for another time.  The Beta for those who are born prior to their creation, was a recording system for television shows, like the DVR - except you had to go to Zayer's (before there was Target) and buy the cassette tapes in a pack of six.

You would pop in your Beta tape, coordinate it with time and then set it for - in my case ABC network from 12:30 until 5:00 pm.  This time was important because it started with the old soap opera "Loving", All my Children, then General Hospital - finally ending with The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Oprah interviewed Prince on one of her episodes, and he had just gotten married.  I'm not a big famous person follower, so I honestly can't recall her name, but I remember very clearly a quote from Prince - He said "Loving my wife, makes it easier to talk to God."

Even in my teenage mind, I thought- WOW! that's some loving right there for you.  Now don't get caught up in the fact that I think Prince now ex-wife is on a reality show now - but ponder this instead - What brings you closer to God

Don't think so hard, don't flip and beat yourself up for not reading your Bible as often as you should - or regret skipping church - but think, what do you do in your life that makes it easier to talk to God.

I believe everyone has a communication line directly to God.  That place where you are in that sweet personal relationship moment.     My Pastor calls it the Sweet Spot, that perfect spot where you make all the free throws. 

For me its writing.  I feel my spirit party, I feel my thoughts focus, I know, like I know, like I know that this is a special gift and its He and my way of communicating.

Find yours it will tickle your very soul...And these times now who doesn't need a spiritual tickle.