Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Keep on Keeping on!

Philippians 1:6 For I am confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will continue to perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

why did I think I could just stop and not miss it?  I honestly don't know.  Even now my heart is smiling at the sound of my fingers typing.  I'm a really fast typist so there is actually  a rhythm I can hear, I was going to say with my ears, but it's my soul dancing to the rhythm. 

For me writing is that moment when God talks to me - Not like burning bush conversations, but Hey Sweet daughter what's going on in your world.  Or let me tell you why this happened.  Or put that down! Pick that up! 

Besides the desire to write.  He also told me not to join a gym. (That blog will be coming soon)  Seriously, this not summer body is here to stay. 
Right now I just want to start by saying - I've missed our talks God.  I've missed the gift that you have given me to see my crazy funny beautiful life through a spirit filled with joy and laughter.

My prayer as I keep up the race towards the goals and missions you have for me.  I pray for your wisdom, guidance, love direction, bravery, for your Kingdom in this life.

I love you that's all for now, but I know so much more to come.