Monday, September 5, 2016

Image result for count it all joy

  16-17 Job lived on another 140 years, living to see his children and grandchildren—four generations of them! Then he died—an old man, a full life.

Even the sweetest of souls kindest of saints most humblest of peeps, sometimes want to shout out to the universe...WHAT THE H-E Double Hockey Sticks is going on.

If you never wanted to shout this or have never thought this, then I have no doubt you have your own quote that you use when things just seem to go Batman Kaboom and Blam in your life.
It could be the simple things like one too many red lights on the way to work, the day after your supervisor just warned you about being late.  It could be a walk in to your kitchen to get that wonderful black gold coffee (or for the rest of yall tea) and how odd it is that your slippers are soaked when you enter the kitchen floor.  Oh H-E Double Hockey Sticks something is leaking.

From those inconveniences  that have just seemed to come too fast and too many and in a consecutive nature, we can all feel under attack.  And for other they are even greater, like illness, and loss of love, jobs, family, friends (it goes on and on) 

Job - Yes that's where I'm going - my main guy, loved by God, known for his righteousness was attacked, all but his life was not allowed to be touched. But read the end of the chapter.  Yes I am one of those folks that read the first chapter then skip to the end, cause I just got to know.  Well Job was renewed made complete.  God never left him, ever, ever.  There were times when Job did have to sing like Marvin Gaye, "What's going on!?"  He remained faithful though, through loss of family, possessions, questioning of his integrity by his closes friends, and even his health, HE HELD on and he wouldn't LET Go.

So I pray this for you (and myself too) through it all stand strong stand hard put your game face on, because we already Know the end-God wins!  But in that stay strong in the middle, laugh in the face of your attack (sometimes after a long hard cry)  Then claim your victory, claim the win, claim your free Fix it person that came out of no where.

Grab those hockey sticks put them in the shape of a cross, cry out to God, put your head down and  charge forward.

Special shout out to God the Father Almighty and Jesus Christ his only begotten son, for being cross holders, light changer, leak fixers, life giver, JOY bringer  and SOOOOOOO much more!