Sunday, January 13, 2013

It's always SOMETHING

“It’s always something!” (To pray about!)

Hands encasing other, smaller hands 

Matthew 6:9-13

New International Version (NIV)
“This, then, is how you should pray:
“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come,
your will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,[a]
    but deliver us from the evil one.[b]


All of us have said this at least once.  Maybe when you’ve planned the perfect outdoor event the weather man has promised clear perfect skies.  The family and friends are gathered and there isn’t a cloud in the sky and suddenly your perfect event is ruined by the sudden argument of a past family feud.  Aunt so and whoever left me such and such.  And even though you had an image of a perfect day it is ruined because all though the background was good, the characters start acting a plum fool.  LOL wait a minute I might be putting to much business out there.

Ok here is a another scenario some of you might be able to relate to.  Not only does the car need repairs, but now the refrigerator is rattling., the washing machine has stopped spinning, and your child just brought home a permission slip for the “Best class trip EVER, MOMMY” and it will only cost $100.

Life’s demands can pile up on us out of anywhere and everywhere at times.  Sitting on our chest and making it hard to breath think and function.  And we cry out to our friends and whoever else will listen “It’s always something!”

Well I present you and yes me to with a challenge – Let’s change this negative affirmation of It’s always something into a powerful statement of success, which may even give each of us peace in the mist.  Let’s start shouting and believe “it’s always something…to pray about!”

As soon as life get’s heavy right when the third bill collector calls and you just satisfied the first two.  Right when you learn you have no vacation time left and the school calls you about your sick child.  Right when you just got a new battery and the heat and your car starts blowing cold.  Cry for one minute (we are only human) and then know Yes there is always something …to pray about.  And pray knowing that He will work out and your favor – God’s going to turn it around.  Even do the turn it around dance if you know it and need to.  No that your prayers change things that they move mountains.  Wipe your tears and laugh and know  that this always something is just one more moment to bring you closer to He that loves you will protect you and loves showing just how much he loves you and he cares!

Yes – It’s always something …TO PRAY ABOUT!


  1. Awesome.......Thanks for sharing. Thanks for your talent and thank God for you!!!!

  2. This is great... and you are so right there is always something to pray about and what better way to look at life's challenges. Many thanks and much love for the words of inspiration!

  3. awww aren't you the sweetest Aunt Nene!!!! loved the post!

  4. It is such a blessing to come to work with the Monday morning blues, expecting nothing but headaches only to awe inspiring message that not only blesses you but also reminds you of who you serve and how very gracious HE is.

    Thanks Senetra keep em coming.

    1. Girl you bless my soul - Love you - Thank you for your encouragement and just being my Sistah Girl
