Tuesday, July 23, 2013

There is No Place Like home

There's no place like home (subtitled - Ruby slippers are so in right now)

Romans 12:2
Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect

God thank you that where ever you are I know I'm home!!! 

This weekend was an amazing world wind of a weekend.  It was a road trip weekend and I was heading back to my home state of Maryland.  To celebrate a wonderful baby shower for my friend who is having twin boys who I lovingly call Beta and Alpha. 

Traveling home is a love hate adventure that I have been dealing with for the past 11 years, since I moved over 400 miles away.  I love to get there but I hate the drive, the packing, the shoes and things that I forever forget.  I do love eating at Biscuitville as I race to get to one before they close at 2pm (and if any BIscuitville representatives happen to be reading this - really would closing at 4pm really kill you?)

I noticed something this trip, actually I noticed it a long time ago, but that was before I was blogging.  As I head up 85 north towards Washington DC, my attitude slowly changes.  I start off happily driving along admiring the sky, the trees, not even getting annoyed when someone cuts me off and then proceeds to drive slow (I assume God put them in front of me to save me from a misfortune)  I sip my sweet tea and enjoy my biscuit with ham and jelly.

About four hours of commitment into this trip though my attitude starts to change as I hit 95 north.  Now at this point I begin to notice that I'm sick and tired of being cut off and slightly annoyed at all the dag-on construction and I now desire Popeye's chicken and ice tea!

If you live in the South Eastern part of the United States of America but are from the North Eastern part of the United States of America you really get this.  If not, just imagine if you lived in the country, peaceful roads a few cows here and there and of course good biscuits...But at least twice a year you had to travel to the big city lights, pigeons, and more bagels than biscuits.  Well that's how it feels to me when I travel home and my attitude and mannerism change. 

I grumble in my Northern town, about how people aren't as friendly and they drive too fast and it's just so dag-on crowded (not too crowded to get crab cakes!) I found myself annoyed by the entire experience and longing for good old country living. 

Then it hit me!  I was the one who was changing.  I was the one who chose to ask for ice tea instead of sweet tea.  I chose not to speak and be the bubbly chick that I am known to be in the South.  I chose to let the energy around me conform me instead of brightening my light and possibly being a blessing to someone.  Yikes!  I conformed to the world!!!
So the points of this blog...1.  Biscuitville should stay open at least until 4pm and  
 2.  Just because you are in the world doesn't mean you have to conform to the world, because you just might lose an opportunity to be the GREAT YOU THAT GOD called you to be, no matter where your ruby slippers land

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