Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Are you a kid?

Are you a Kid?  (No but I play one in my heart)

And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.    KJV Matthew 18:3
“Are you a kid?”  The cute little boy about eight or ten years old asked me as we stood in line.  He had cotton candy around his mouth and his little eye glasses were in desperate need of a mother’s tissue from her purse.  “Excuse me?” I asked, as I smiled down at the child. Wishing I was his momma so he wouldn't be upset if I pulled my tissue from my back pocket, licked it and cleaned those lenses.  “Are you a kid?” he asked again, squinting to see through the dirty glasses and the bright sunshine on his face. “No sweetie, I’m not a kid, but I play one in my heart.” I replied.  He frowned or squinted, who knows at this point, as he asked...”What does that mean?” I just smiled and told him to move forward the line was moving.  He grabbed his sack and scooted forward.  Ok fine, let me give you some background, the little kid had a valid question since the line I was standing in was to get on a two story inflatable slide. 
There were about five us in line, bare feet, holding sacks and waiting in line for the ‘slide guard’ to tell us who could go next.  I was the tallest in the bunch and I trumped these kids in line by about 3 decades. We were all there for a really nice cookout that had all types of great activities for families and children.  My daughter was somewhere getting her face painted, being properly spoiled by Aunt Kay and Aunt Tee, while I had decided to ride the slide. The thought came to me to ride the slide while I was sitting on my metal chair in a circle talking grown folks talk and laughing about times past.  I glanced at the slide and thought I am too old for that, but wouldn't it be so cool to slide down the slide?  Then my spirit said, “No regrets, go get on the slide.”  I excused myself, headed down the hill and stood happily but awkwardly in line with the kids.
When it was my turn I screamed all the way down!  It was amazing, all the stress of life went away as I was on a huge sliding board and I was free.  I dragged Kay over later on and our grown selves slid down side by side laughing all the way.  Sometimes it's great, beautiful, and joyous for a brief moment to experience the world through the heart of child even if it's your own adult heart!  Innocence is sweet, cherish it!  By the way if you’re over a certain age...I do not recommend getting on the swings...I don't remember needing motion sickness medicine as a child, but I sure did this time. Even in your adulthood, may God bless you with the ability to see, love and laugh through the heart of a child

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