Sunday, April 13, 2014

Walking in Son Shine

Walking in Son-Shine 

Oh the day finally came today on April Fool's Day of all days when the calendar date of spring and the beautiful Spring weather converged to bring forth an AMAZING 82 degree day here in the city.
I know some of you may be grumbling because your still watching snow melt, but don't worry I have seen what's coming for you and it is full of cherry blossoms, red cardinals, and the awesome smell of honeysuckle.
I'm from the North, but I have become a shrimp and grits eating,  Sun Drop soda drinking true southern girl.  I like my chicken fried hard and my winter's mild.  To become a true southerner I had to commit to certain saying like, "Bless your heart!"  and "Yawl".   People make fun of these sayings, but quite honestly to me they are poetic and romantic, but that's a conversation for another day.
Today I sat warming up the Echo (don't judge she is an all weather warm up vehicle)  and I watched as people were exiting my office building.  I wish I had a video camera to show you the darkness turn to light. 
Most of us spend all day in the office, we eat at our desk and look out the window at the beautiful sky and before we can fully convince ourselves that we can take ten minutes to go outside, the phone stops our fantasy and its back to the grind.
So it was beautiful to see the gloomy faces as they came out of the shadows of the fluorescent lit hallway and opened the door into sunshine and warmth.  Grown adults showed child like smiles as if it were the end of a school day and they were free to play.  These hard working adults carrying briefcases full of work to take home and tilted their heads up to the Carolina blue sky!  They walked smiling to their cars.  The day may have been rough but God's art work and weather creation made all the stress if only for a moment ALL GOOD.  Ok maybe some of the joy was that they were headed home, but I believe the warm weather fed our souls.
Take the Son (this is not a typo) with you and you can always walk in sunshine.
Walking in Son-Shine

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