Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Some Things Change...Some Things Stay the same or the other way around LOL

Some things change and some things never do...One of my Favorite lines from one of the Matrix movies

I know very little about the Civil War...but because I love outdoor activities and festivals I found myself standing in the middle of a camp at a Civil War reenactment.  I had been looking for something to do and the sign said Free and Civil War Reenactment and well it had me at Free.
I walked around a large Civil War Camp where there were big pots of food cooking, sleeping soldiers under trees and flags just a flying
Wait a minute ... that flag just a waiving appears to symbolize that just maybe it was a flag not really in my favor...If you don't know what I mean check out one of my earlier blog post "You know I'm black right?" 
Yes there I stood in the middle of the confederate camp, walking around taking pictures with Confederate soldiers, learning about the battle and learning lessons from many of the very nice soldiers who gave great stories and knowledge on how things were back in the Civil War.
I laughed as I headed out of the Confederate Camp in search of the Union soldiers, knowing that times had really changed.  That walk I just took three modern day past history really wouldn't have likely been so enjoyable.
The Union soldiers were too far away, so I didn't make it to them before the battle began.  Based on sheer numbers I'm positive this was a battle that they did not win, but you all know we won the war.
There is still racism in the world without a doubt but as I sat next to a sweet little girl who was the opposite color of me and as she smiled and played with my sweet little girl I thought to myself maybe one day, just maybe our skin colors won't even have a name...We will be defined by our character.
Some things Do Change

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