Sunday, October 5, 2014

It's more than just an alter...Shout out to Freedom House Church

It's more than just an Alter...Shout out to Freedom House Church

Matthew 16:18
18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it

When you think of church what do you think of.  I hope you have great memories of hard candy being passed down the pew from a church mother.  Or your favorite dress that you wore with the perfect shoes because your momma finally let you get a shoe with a heal.
I know the reality is that some people don't have such fond memories of church.  But maybe its time to get some new memories in your beautiful mind. 
I love my church.  I really do.  It's not the alter or the great services those things are just icing on the cake. 
When I walk in those doors on my good days and on my bad I am greeted with such love and fellowship.  The other day after a great service I stood in the lobby and thought WOW.
There were some people who were rushing out the door (I mean it is football season for crying out loud).  Children were running around laughing smiling some even dancing, they were enjoying the freedom of being in a safe place.
I even noticed two ladies talking.  One was crying, from what I could see the other lady who wasn't crying was holding the hands of the person crying and praying.  There were men fellowshipping about their gardens or their jobs.
And at that moment it hit me, church is not only about the words you receive its about the fellowship.  The loving and caring that goes on in the lobby.  Nobody knows what happens in your house but you, but I would have to imagine that sometimes you need a little extra love, someone who can grab your hands and pray for you on the spot.  You need your child to play and laugh in a safe area where you know, no harm will come to them.
You need a sweet reminder that there is still good in the world.  There is no perfect church because church has people in it, but there is a perfect love, there is perfect fellowship, there is a place to get a hug and a prayer no strings attached.
My point the CHURCH is even greater than the service.  It's as great as you allowed God to be.  So find a place to rest your soul and to be a blessing to someone else.

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