Saturday, March 28, 2015

The first time ever I saw your face..


Jeremiah 1-5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."


Time flies after 25 or maybe 30 I'm convinced. 

I remember being a kid thinking time is moving so slow.  When I was twelve I remember sitting on the stoop with my still friend Tiffany and saying when I get older I want six kids, and I want them to be all boys.  When I was in high school I wrote in my high school book that when I was 25 I would live in New York be a model (although I never modeled before) act in a play be married and a lawyer and finally have written at least one novel.

So here we are a few decades later.  None of those fantasies were met.  I can't call them goals, but just teenage dreams of grandeur.  I love my life now even though it didn't match up with my past wish list.  But it seems like just yesterday I had had those dreams and in the blink of an eye my life is now in the present.  I've done so many things that weren't on my list.

One very important thing that I never considered was the joy and greatness of being an Aunt.  I remember the first time ever I saw his face.  Technically I was eyeing another baby that reminded me more of my sister.  He was laying in the hospital nursery dark chocolate and very chubby.

I smiled and told the nurse that that was my nephew.  She asked the name and I told her and she advised that - that cute bumble of joy was not my nephew.  But the adorable large eyed, small, fair skinned child to the left was my nephew.
Now he is 16 years old and I still remember the first time ever I saw his face and fell in love.  God gets to do this all the time, he remembers the beauty the love the care, His continence that falls upon you from day one and he never leaves us.

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