Monday, November 28, 2016

A grand gesture or a ... Gesture of Grandness


Mark 4: 39 He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!”Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

It happened after a long day at work, which was followed by a trek to the store to get something better for tomorrow than the water crackers and limp celery lunch I had today.

When I say I was low on energy, I was so low that I parked all the way at the end of the parking aisle because i didn't feel like expending the energy to park between two other cars in those little parking spaces.

 I rolled out of the car unintentionally forgetting the  reusable bags.  Bless the people who always remember to get their bags out of the car to reuse at the grocery store.  My mood right then was simply bad.  You know that mood you have when you for just a moment reflect on all the bad decisions you ever made in your life including, not going grocery shopping a few days earlier, so you could just go home.  Yes, I was in that place.  And then there was the bell that bell ringing as I approached the store annoying!  Ok I actually like the Salvation Army bell during the holidays, so I looked up and smiled and hmm the Salvation Army bell man was waiving at me.
If you know me you know I waived back like I knew him.  He kept his arms extended out to each side as I approached, he looked like a crossing guard or something.

Then I got it - He stepped out in the parking lot traffic and stopped the cars from passing by so that I could cross the street.  Are you kidding me right now.  I feel like a queen.  I went from feeling like a tired overworked woman to feeling royal.  And yes the cars did stop.

Some of you might say oh he just did that grand gesture to get me to give him a dollar.  I don't think so I believe God told him that one of his children was approaching and that she was tired and she needed to know that she was loved and she needed to know that someone cared and she needed to know to save her tears because she is not alone and she needed to know that she is a queen and that she is headed in the right direction and she needed to know that He would command even the winds just to love on her.
Take Aways! LOVE EACH OTHER cause He sure loves us!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Shelby Prayer

Image result for Shelby hands
He said to His disciples, "Offenses will certainly come, but woe to the one they come through! 

Today I saw a girl a young girl, a beautiful girl, or maybe she was ugly I don't know.  She may have been black, white, don't know.
My online name use to be, why because I considered myself poetic and deep so I felt my name described my desire for my spirit to be moved. Ok, don't laugh AOL had just started up and I wanted to be cool.
The desire was true though, when things touched me like a God painted sunset, or the unexpected bright smile of a stranger, my heart seemed to grow like the Grinch and absorb all the humanity and creation that the moment presented.  I would store these thoughts in dark times and shine them in my soul.

Well it's been dark lately, really dark.  The girl she wasn't the normal light like a rainbow.  She was an intense slap you out of your stupor of self into the rockets red glare of the state of the union.
She held a sign that said the shelters are full can you help and OH She Moved Me.  She moved me because in a country of ups and downs and angers and fights and yelling hate racism anti love anti faith and more anger

This ugly maybe pretty maybe black maybe white maybe a con maybe a runaway maybe a survivor maybe an addict maybe an atheist maybe a Muslim maybe a Christian maybe a student maybe a nobody maybe an everything...
Reminded me to love greater and shine brighter pray harder forgive faster ... She reminded me to be human.
Her name is Shelby.
So I know this is so different  from what I normally right but it is what it is, no apologies just a request for prayers for Shelby and all non Shelby's too.  

Monday, September 5, 2016

Image result for count it all joy

  16-17 Job lived on another 140 years, living to see his children and grandchildren—four generations of them! Then he died—an old man, a full life.

Even the sweetest of souls kindest of saints most humblest of peeps, sometimes want to shout out to the universe...WHAT THE H-E Double Hockey Sticks is going on.

If you never wanted to shout this or have never thought this, then I have no doubt you have your own quote that you use when things just seem to go Batman Kaboom and Blam in your life.
It could be the simple things like one too many red lights on the way to work, the day after your supervisor just warned you about being late.  It could be a walk in to your kitchen to get that wonderful black gold coffee (or for the rest of yall tea) and how odd it is that your slippers are soaked when you enter the kitchen floor.  Oh H-E Double Hockey Sticks something is leaking.

From those inconveniences  that have just seemed to come too fast and too many and in a consecutive nature, we can all feel under attack.  And for other they are even greater, like illness, and loss of love, jobs, family, friends (it goes on and on) 

Job - Yes that's where I'm going - my main guy, loved by God, known for his righteousness was attacked, all but his life was not allowed to be touched. But read the end of the chapter.  Yes I am one of those folks that read the first chapter then skip to the end, cause I just got to know.  Well Job was renewed made complete.  God never left him, ever, ever.  There were times when Job did have to sing like Marvin Gaye, "What's going on!?"  He remained faithful though, through loss of family, possessions, questioning of his integrity by his closes friends, and even his health, HE HELD on and he wouldn't LET Go.

So I pray this for you (and myself too) through it all stand strong stand hard put your game face on, because we already Know the end-God wins!  But in that stay strong in the middle, laugh in the face of your attack (sometimes after a long hard cry)  Then claim your victory, claim the win, claim your free Fix it person that came out of no where.

Grab those hockey sticks put them in the shape of a cross, cry out to God, put your head down and  charge forward.

Special shout out to God the Father Almighty and Jesus Christ his only begotten son, for being cross holders, light changer, leak fixers, life giver, JOY bringer  and SOOOOOOO much more!

Monday, August 15, 2016

You ain’t got it cause you ain’t ask for it!

Image result for you have not because you ask not
YOU Ain’t GOT it … Because You Ain’t ask for it…
You want what you don’t have, so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others have, but you can’t get it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them. Yet you don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it.
Sometimes you’ve got to laugh at yourself, because I have no doubt in my mind God is cracking up.
So this blog begins like this, day one I’m sad but not broken.  I’ve had to seek out other means to get me through the day.  Ugg I’m connected to the system by a wire, because I can’t find my wireless headphones.  Now I’ve got to use actual earplugs.  Who even does that anymore?
Nobody unless they are the super expensive fancy ones.  If you know me you know that these were dollar store earplugs connected to my cell phone.  And yes you had to giggle the right wire to hear it.  Oh well I must have left them at work.
Day two … say it ain’t so … Monday in the office and my wireless headset is not anywhere to be found.  How will I survive a Monday without my gospel, country, reggae mix.  I will actually have to communicate with my coworkers and I actually won’t be able to lose myself in the music (like Eminem says oh yeah add gangster rap to my genre list)
In my arrogance I must not have looked everywhere in the house.  So with my flashlight I searched.  Under the couch, behind the counter, in the fridge (you never know right), night stand and behind it.  Under the bed behind the bed…laundry basket.
In my search a small wise voice in my head calmly said, why don’t you just ask me.  I chuckled to myself convinced that I had just overlooked it, so ten more minutes of searching.  I finally broke down to the voice and said…OK God where should I look.  Then I thought even better Lord can you just put it somewhere that I can see it.
I put the flashlight away and got distracted from my search.  An hour later time for bed and to write myself a note to look on Groupon for any specials on wireless head phones.  I pulled open my nightstand to look for what I don’t even remember now, because to my delight there sat my wireless headset.
I promise you I had looked there before, but for some reason it was clear to me now!
Then this came to me…you have not cause you don’t ask, instead you work hard on your own in the wrong direction.  You who know me child.  You who know the love I have for you.  You whose hair I have counted, well Umm YES I AM GOD AND I AM HERE FOR YOU.
My prayer is that you know it’s ok to ask Father for it and guess what I know he will hear you.

**** Also check out the Message Translation also known in my mind as you better check yourself before you wreck yourself translation****
Get Serious ] Where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrels come from? Do you think they just happen? Think again. They come about because you want your own way, and fight for it deep inside yourselves.You lust for what you don’t have and are willing to kill to get it. You want what isn’t yours and will risk violence to get your hands on it. You wouldn’t think of just asking God for it, would you? And why notBecause you know you’d be asking for what you have no right to. You’re spoiled children, each wanting your own way.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Keep on Keeping on!

Philippians 1:6 For I am confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will continue to perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

why did I think I could just stop and not miss it?  I honestly don't know.  Even now my heart is smiling at the sound of my fingers typing.  I'm a really fast typist so there is actually  a rhythm I can hear, I was going to say with my ears, but it's my soul dancing to the rhythm. 

For me writing is that moment when God talks to me - Not like burning bush conversations, but Hey Sweet daughter what's going on in your world.  Or let me tell you why this happened.  Or put that down! Pick that up! 

Besides the desire to write.  He also told me not to join a gym. (That blog will be coming soon)  Seriously, this not summer body is here to stay. 
Right now I just want to start by saying - I've missed our talks God.  I've missed the gift that you have given me to see my crazy funny beautiful life through a spirit filled with joy and laughter.

My prayer as I keep up the race towards the goals and missions you have for me.  I pray for your wisdom, guidance, love direction, bravery, for your Kingdom in this life.

I love you that's all for now, but I know so much more to come.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

I failed