Monday, November 28, 2016

A grand gesture or a ... Gesture of Grandness


Mark 4: 39 He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!”Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

It happened after a long day at work, which was followed by a trek to the store to get something better for tomorrow than the water crackers and limp celery lunch I had today.

When I say I was low on energy, I was so low that I parked all the way at the end of the parking aisle because i didn't feel like expending the energy to park between two other cars in those little parking spaces.

 I rolled out of the car unintentionally forgetting the  reusable bags.  Bless the people who always remember to get their bags out of the car to reuse at the grocery store.  My mood right then was simply bad.  You know that mood you have when you for just a moment reflect on all the bad decisions you ever made in your life including, not going grocery shopping a few days earlier, so you could just go home.  Yes, I was in that place.  And then there was the bell that bell ringing as I approached the store annoying!  Ok I actually like the Salvation Army bell during the holidays, so I looked up and smiled and hmm the Salvation Army bell man was waiving at me.
If you know me you know I waived back like I knew him.  He kept his arms extended out to each side as I approached, he looked like a crossing guard or something.

Then I got it - He stepped out in the parking lot traffic and stopped the cars from passing by so that I could cross the street.  Are you kidding me right now.  I feel like a queen.  I went from feeling like a tired overworked woman to feeling royal.  And yes the cars did stop.

Some of you might say oh he just did that grand gesture to get me to give him a dollar.  I don't think so I believe God told him that one of his children was approaching and that she was tired and she needed to know that she was loved and she needed to know that someone cared and she needed to know to save her tears because she is not alone and she needed to know that she is a queen and that she is headed in the right direction and she needed to know that He would command even the winds just to love on her.
Take Aways! LOVE EACH OTHER cause He sure loves us!

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