Sunday, October 15, 2017

I am YOU

I’ve missed talking to you this way…Thank you for always being right there when I return

So the new thing I have is I actually grumble and buck at God.  Yep I’m not brave just observant that God has nudged me and I have nudged back and said well if You xYZ then I will do ABC.
My expectation my deep lie that I tell myself is that He isn’t listening to little old me.  Oh yes I believe in God, but the lie I believe many of us and at least I have told myself is that He is way too big great and wonderful to speak with little old sinning me.
He never fails me though.  He always finds ways to remind me that.
He counted each hair on my head…
His plans for me, specifically are for good
That He gave his son, for me Nene, Senetra specifically
A lot of his promises that start with “I Will” I’ve noticed say you.  Not everybody, not all of Y’all it says you.  You is a word that touches my soul because it means the eyes that I am looking into, the ear I am speaking in to, the heart that I am mending.
God is I AM
I am You 

Do you know how we get to develop a relationship is when we recognize that each of us is the individual you.

I’m back Father be with me – Thank you for being with me.  

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