Sunday, September 8, 2013

This one is for you (subtitled) I Get It Now


 Isaiah 38:2

Then Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the LORD,

 I get it now how God's time is different from ours.  HE has given me a glimpse into his style and how he does things.  He has allowed me to see that time is pointless and that love is everything.

I met you in a place that I have stood so many Sundays greeting smiling.  Then there was you and you came back.  Who knew that an earthly split second would be a life time of forever.  One hello would lead to a infinite number of I love yous.

I get how you just know.  I understand that in the blink of an eye time can grow sails and travel pass the past into the future and rest in now.

All that was before you is blank.  There are no names but yours.  There is no prayer as sweet as your eyes.  There are no eyes that reflect God like yours.

I struggle when you question my past because my past is irrelevant when I face my wall, I only see now and then.

All old things are made new.  I have never loved like this and every day that follows, I continue to be blessed in saying I have never loved like this because every moment of loving you is like know one before.

My errors are here for you to see.  My slate clean there is only you.  You are My Wall.  I turn to you for prayer, for love, for direction and you turn to our God.  Obediently I will follow. I love you My Wall. 







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