Sunday, November 17, 2013

A quiet place!!!

My quiet place...

Mark 1:35-37 - And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. 

I have always had a desire in me to shut down.  A need to turn off all surrounding distraction and just get lost in my thoughts until they become organized.  However in this world - Ain't nobody got time for that!

In a world where we are slowly being trained into being busy bees and to teach our kids to be even more busy its hard.  I often laugh at my daughter when we are traveling as she complains about being bored.  In the back seat of the car she has a mini house, filled with food blankets, books, tablets, a DS, headphones, and a DVD player.  She has her own distraction system created by me, to be fully entertained for a life time if need be.  But she's bored. 

I remember my road trips back in the day.  The only thing you had in the backseat was maybe a book or some paper and a pencil.  You made the best of it.  If you couldn't figure out what to do with those items you created your own games.  Which could include coaxing the 18 wheelers that drove by to blow their horns and scare the other drivers.

Now I just want to stop the world at times.  I miss the opportunities to be bored.  Go to a quiet place,  where I connect with God.  A place that fills me up with joy and laughter just by using the gifts of my mind. 

I keep promising to commit to meditation, but simply put it's not my thing, but I do have one special place in my house that I can go to.  And when I am there I know God speaks to me.  He holds me like the little child that he created and tells me about my path.  The more I go to this place the more he speaks.

Find your quiet place.  Your sweet spot.  The place where all the distractions of the world are made small and the voice and love of God is made big.  Refuel in this place and then go out to face the world but bring the peace and love that has been given to you, so you won't get bored being a blessing.

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