Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Cannot get GPS signal in this area

Cannot get GPS signal in this area subtitled (Uh YES YOU CAN)

Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

I was driving along headed to an event.  I was familiar with the area but not the exact location.  Because I had a concept of where I was going, I turned down my GPS because I was listening to a song I like.  As I approached the spot where I knew I would need help, I turned the GPS up so I could hear further instructions.
Instead of that kind lady's voice (by the way did you know that you have to pay to hear a man's voice direct you on GPS - weird right) telling me what to do at this very major intersection and this is what I heard:
Cannot get GPS signal in this area
Uh excuse me yes you can I said out loud to the GPS lady, you better be able to get GPS signal because the light is green and I need to know which way to go.
She ignored me as I made an executive decision to turn right and continued to proclaim that I cannot get GPS service in this area.
Now the reasonable prudent person would possibly pull over and adjust and try to figure out the route from a safe parking lot.  Maybe circling the lot a couple of times until service was returned. 
Oh KNOW not me I drove full speed ahead, convinced that I was going the right way and GPS needed to catch up with me.
I'm sure you are all also familiar with this GPS term: REROUTING - please make a U-turn where ever it is safe.
I had headed blindly in the wrong direction with no backup plan.
So lesson number one, I really need to rethink my service provider.
Lesson number two, how often have I gone in the wrong direction full speed ahead and gone the wrong way.
Lesson number three, God will never guide you down the wrong path, but you got to be in a position to receive the signals he's giving you.
I pray you are always in God's range, knowing that if you get lost he will seek out even one!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Who would you sit with?

Proverbs 3:
5-12 Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
    don’t try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
    he’s the one who will keep you on track.
Don’t assume that you know it all...

I really had been wrestling with what to write about.  Nothing had moved me.  Let me explain, when I am blessed to write this blog, God sort of tickles my belly/my spirit.  I can see the blog and feel it all around me and I will write on whatever is near me or text myself, what I feel God wants to be the content of the blog.
I actually felt motivated  to write about Mary and the expensive oil, but it didn't come to me as clearly as usual, so I watched TV.  God gave me some insight as I watched a documentary that happened to come on about Mary and I quickly learned that more research was needed.
This blog came to me as I was reading over a Facebook post that I had posted.  It wasn't an original it was a post that I shared from someone else.  The picture in the post showed a beautiful blue sky, a calm beach and a small bench and the question on the post was past or present if you could sit on this bench for one hour, who would you sit with?
I found so much beauty in that question.  I didn't think big or even famous.  I thought it would be so wonderful to sit with my Grandma Esther and talk and laugh and well see what she thought about her little Nene.  And I would try my best in that hour to remember to ask her how to make that Southern cough syrup with onions that was better than anything on the market.  I would listen closely to each sound that came out of her mouth, some for content, but mostly so that I could hold on to the sound of her voice.  And I would ask her if they drink Gin in little plastic cups in Heaven.  I know that question would make her laugh and I would memorize her laugh!
The post reminded me of the beautiful of this world, the love that last whether someone is here or not.  The desire for us folks to understand to be connected and maybe for some of us to say I'm sorry I love you I forgive you or heck maybe even where did you hide the money!
God loves us so much that he forgives us quickly, he reminds of his love consistently.  If allowed the opportunity to sit on a bench with God.  I do believe I would just sit there and rest my soul.  No questions, no answers, just his aurora and mine admiring his creation.
I want you to know that peace is with you, love is with you.  God is with you on that bench and he is SMILING!!