Monday, November 14, 2016

Shelby Prayer

Image result for Shelby hands
He said to His disciples, "Offenses will certainly come, but woe to the one they come through! 

Today I saw a girl a young girl, a beautiful girl, or maybe she was ugly I don't know.  She may have been black, white, don't know.
My online name use to be, why because I considered myself poetic and deep so I felt my name described my desire for my spirit to be moved. Ok, don't laugh AOL had just started up and I wanted to be cool.
The desire was true though, when things touched me like a God painted sunset, or the unexpected bright smile of a stranger, my heart seemed to grow like the Grinch and absorb all the humanity and creation that the moment presented.  I would store these thoughts in dark times and shine them in my soul.

Well it's been dark lately, really dark.  The girl she wasn't the normal light like a rainbow.  She was an intense slap you out of your stupor of self into the rockets red glare of the state of the union.
She held a sign that said the shelters are full can you help and OH She Moved Me.  She moved me because in a country of ups and downs and angers and fights and yelling hate racism anti love anti faith and more anger

This ugly maybe pretty maybe black maybe white maybe a con maybe a runaway maybe a survivor maybe an addict maybe an atheist maybe a Muslim maybe a Christian maybe a student maybe a nobody maybe an everything...
Reminded me to love greater and shine brighter pray harder forgive faster ... She reminded me to be human.
Her name is Shelby.
So I know this is so different  from what I normally right but it is what it is, no apologies just a request for prayers for Shelby and all non Shelby's too.  

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