Thursday, July 27, 2017

John 14:26 “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.”
Image result for giving taking

My thought on Heaven has always been this, not only will I see a lot of relatives that have passed on, like my grandma Esther and I will even get to meet her mother Josephine, but that I will also meet a lot of folks who I never knew by name, but my life had crossed their lives.

Don't worry I'm not planning to die or pass as they say in the south.  Also cording to a Facebook quiz that I took to find out how old I would be when I die, it stated "You will die at 94 in The NASCAR"!  Therefore I am good to go.

Anyway a few days ago God met a need of mine in a totally unexpected way by a totally rare but wonderful visit from a friend.  So I decided to give 10% of what I was given.  I had a debate with myself whether it should go to the church.  Then the Holy Spirit reminded me of a conversation about filling the storehouse (My view that's the church).  Then if I wanted to give above that well, that would be cool too. 

So with $10.00 in my hand I was determined to bless someone and before were the Golden Arches - Good old McDonalds.  So I used my 10 bucks to purchase something for the people behind me.  Giving feels AWESOME...I was floating and I thought when I meet those guys in Heaven, they are going to tell me how that one kind act changed their perspective on humanity.  (Too much oh well it's my day dream)

Then my mind glided into another group of people that I would meet in Heaven as well.  These individuals would be made up of the people who I had given the finger to while driving(Yes bad drivers will be in Heaven too), the telemarketers that I yelled at, the servers that I didn't tip cause they were rude, the people that I had gossiped about, the neighbor that I would turn away from to avoid speaking too cause, I just didn't feel like talking.  The family member that I could have shown some grace too.  The ex's who could have had some forgiveness. 

Yes they too would be there ...

The point think before you act, pray before you speak, love before you hate, praise before you curse, cause where all going be in Heaven one day...Yesssssss even the person that had 30 items in the 10 items or less line.
Thank you God for the gift to write may it be a blessing  Thank you God for the Holy Spirit who whispers my path and when I don't listen he shouts.

I started this post a different way...It was a lot about me doing a good thing.  The post didn't feel right though so i didn't publish it.

Then it struck me - in a gentle whisper, it's not you kiddo, but the Me that is in you.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

This past year has been full of ups and downs.  Saying goodbye to my cousin Rhoberta, sad and joyful at the same time because, her life had given me and my family so many wonderful memories, which eased the pain.

I got a new great job when I wasn't even looking.  My relationship status  changed and my house grew.  All while becoming closer to a half century. 

Count it all joy - Yes that is a hard verse to swallow.  Its sweet when it includes great health, new births, new homes and relationships.  But what about the other side of the rainbow.  A bad health report, unruly children, or even death.

How in the world do you count that hot mess all joy.  Well because you put it in God's hands, your tears, your bad medical report relationship all the good and the bad that you get from relationships. 

This post is far from my best blog and not even close to my worse post, but I count it all joy because it is too God's glory that we live.
