Saturday, November 25, 2017

I’m Rich but I’m broke…Broken but made whole

Psalm 34:18
The LORD is near to the brokenhearted And saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Image result for brokenness

Standing in line was simple … My kids weren’t with me so standing in a long line was rather peaceful.  The slower the cashier went and the more stuff the lady in front of me sent her kid to go get to add to her over the limit of the fast lane service.  Well I counted it all joy as it added to my peaceful moment to think uninterrupted.

I pondered as I do love to ponder if I should go back and snatch the list from the man in the scooter and finish his shopping as I had offered.  He was in my eyes struggling a bit trying to get items that were too high up out of his reach or to low down and still out of his reach.  He let me help him once as I passed him, after I pleaded to let him let me be freaking helpful and nice.

I glanced back and asked the lady to save my spot so I could go check on him.  He was staring at something low on the shelf, but I held back.  I stood my kind freaking ground, so that he could keep his pride intact. 

I’m a friendly sort so I laughed with the lady behind me and told her my dilemma as I wanted to help but didn’t think it would be good.  She huffed about how men are and we giggled.  

 Then I told her something of a creed of mine.  I’m not rich, but I am blessed.  I will never pay your mortgage but I will hold a door carry a bag, give you my cart and save you a quarter.  

You too may feel broken like you don’t have enough, but you are everything to someone.  You are chivalry when you hold a door for a lady who has been abused.  You are an angel when you remind another human of the beauty of humanity.

We are here to serve one another.  Not because it’s nice or kind.  Because it heals.  It heals wounds that we never can see.

You are a healer

You are a forgiver

You are chivalry

Yes you Are

Friday, November 24, 2017

Psalm 37:8-9International Children’s Bible (ICB)

Don’t get angry.
    Don’t be upset; it only leads to trouble.
Evil people will be sent away.
    But people who trust the Lord will inherit the land.


My heart beats because He calls it to be and when it stops I will meet him face to face and give him a big old Thank you for letting me be me.  Until then I will honor that beat and live laugh and love

I know yall have already moved on to Christmas.  Heck the stores actually were already Christmas ready several weeks ago.  But I want to rest on Thanksgiving.  I want to ponder about well First how in the heck Jeralyn made the best greens I have ever had in my four score of living on this planet.  Second Velvet’s mac & cheese, cause yes she put her foot into all the way up to her knee in cooking. 

My kid asked why other countries didn’t celebrate Thanksgiving and I started rambling about Pilgrims and Native Americans meeting and eating together.  As I was talking though I could actually here myself and forgive me, but my answer seemed silly.  Thanksgiving for me well it has long ago lost its historical value and I am so happy it has.

Thanksgiving to me is so powerful to me.  When I was a kid it was about making pictures of turkeys and yes Pilgrims and Indians, but now its all about love.  Truly showing the love that God rains on me.  Taking the time out not even to reflect, but to allow a little bit of me to be something that someone is thankful for.

By breaking bread with a stranger, feeding the dude on the corner, standing cold in a parade line laughing with strangers.  

Thanksgiving to me is resting in the person that you are and sharing the gifts that God has given you out.  Given out your smile, your hugs, sometimes even your tears.

I just wanted to say Thank yall for hanging in there on this journey with me.  This is far from my best writing, but I’m just thank full that you even take the time to use your gift of sight and intellect to take the time to read.

Even the smallest part of your beings is a blessing to someone.