Saturday, January 20, 2018

I don’t feel pretty but I know I am

Image result for Pretty

Psalm 31:30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised

Someone said time waits for no man, but through technology we can freeze it in reflect.  Without directly saying my age – I can tell you I remember using Polaroid cameras, heck I remember wondering what the purpose of a camera on a phone is.  And yes I held on to my blackberry phone for longer than most, because it was efficient enough apparently not so smart though, cause I couldn’t play words with friends on it, so I had to go into the android world.  I’m not an apple person, though…Hang on let me explain, it’s because I am past the age of wanting to learn to rethink my entire cell phone skill set.

With all the ways to take pictures of ourselves some of us could likely, put a day by day picture book (wait do they still have picture albums) to see all of our changes.  

I was sending a video message over the phone and I saw ... puffy eyes I was born with bags under my eyes, my silver flecks of hair mixed in with the brown and various other shades of brown and red hair dye.  Laugh lines look a little deeper too...I am not amused.  I wasn’t happy.  In looking at that image I thought who would like her, she's doesn't wear Mac.  She barely wears Wet and Wild make up.  Her youth is dwindling her lines are staying, she isn’t pretty.  I didn’t feel pretty.

But how could that be.  How could I not be beautiful, when people tell me my daughter is the spitting image of me and she’s beautiful. How could that be when I’m known for sharing some of my mother’s looks and she’s gorgeous.  How could it be when I reflect my sister’s smile and oh what a beautiful smile she has – she doesn’t have a gap like mine though (poor thing)

So I must be pretty, I know I am pretty, because those that came before me and through me are beautiful. 

Sometimes it’s not about what you see it’s all about what you know.
You are so beautiful to me

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