Monday, February 11, 2013

Muscle Memory.. The athlete deep within me!

Muscle Memory…The athlete deep within me!

Pray without ceasing! 1Thesolonian 5:17

Muscle Memory is defined as your muscle’s ability after repetitive activity to retain the skill you’ve done with it and to repeat that skill without much thought. Many athletes use muscle memory, for example there bodies are trained to operate in a certain manner at the foul line. Or when it comes to hitting the ball. Without thought there bodies leap jump and bend, because they have repatively trained there bodies how to act in a certain situation. operate  under this pattern. The young man in the you tube video link above  trains his body for hours to dribble better than many kids at his own level. And his skills are likely better than some members of the Charlotte Bobcats, who are going their second season as being the leader in losses. If you follow basketball, are a fan and live in Charlotte, North Carolina you know exactly what I mean; but I digress.

So what if you’re not an athlete? What if you are just a regular person like me? Trust me you still have muscle memory. Right now I’m typing without looking and could probably close my eyes and take a nap as my God mind gives me the words to type and my fingers, which were trained in the now dead art of keyboarding, know where to go as the words come to my minds. If typing isn’t your thing, just think about how we all can operate our television remote controls without looking at the numbers. Why? Because you have done it from the couch so many times, your fingers seem to know the exact distance they need to move to get to ESPN or CNN. You, even in your most nonathletic couch sitting position, have been gifted with muscle memory!

So can muscle memory operate in other aspects of our life like let’s say spiritual memory? Well of course or I wouldn’t be writing this. Spiritual memory, as I myself now understand it, is having read, practiced, reviewed, and trained your spirit so that even when you are in the midst of a drama crazy life your spirit mind prays without ceasing. And I had that A-ha moment where I said “that’s what they mean by that!”

And so now challenge yourself to exercise your spiritual muscle. So that your first thought waking up is Glory Lord thank you for another day vs. Lawd not another day (in your woe is me voice). Without conscious thought as that car cuts you off on your way to work, and your muscle memory says yes use that finger to express your feelings. Instead after you say “GRRR” (because heaven knows a little growling may occur) train and allow your Spiritual memory to say God bless you and may you travel safe. It takes some training, some desire, some research, some understanding, some commitment, and some spiritual fighting, but once you get it - You can’t be stopped! Your spirituality will shift mountains. Doors will open up; healing will come forward, all because you’ve set your spiritual memory to operate even without your will. It just praises, and blesses, and thanks, and loves without our having to think about.

Remember to pray without ceasing!! I never thought it was possible, but when you work on your Spiritual Memory the results are eternal.


  1. Awesome article Senetra. It reminds me of what my grandmother would say....."it's what in you that will come out".........I'm training now. You should think about having a Spiritual Memory-A-thon....(food for thought)

    1. I hope I replied properly to this - Thank you as always for your support - I love this idea and I want to figure out away that we could all do a Memory A Thon

  2. Oooo girl, that's good! Have to share this one.

    1. LOL you and me both - I have to remind myself of this one ALOT - Thank you for reading the BLog I'm tickled red velvet waffle red!
