Sunday, February 3, 2013

You Are Beautiful … (wait for it)!!!!!

Genesis 1: 27 - So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

 I love my child and at six years old she is probably one of the funniest people I have ever been blessed to meet.

 Asali started talking when she was six months old, which, if you have ever met her, wouldn’t seem very surprising.  However I must confess that when I first heard her speak it was quite shocking.  Dorcas, her daycare provider, would tell me Asali could was speaking at this early age asking “who is that?” and “what is that?”.  Now I had never heard her say anything beyond Momma and Dada.  So, I would smile at Dorcas with a sure she can smirk because again she had not spoken to me beyond Mama and maybe Hi or Bye every now and again.  Well one day I was holding my little 6 or 7 month old in my arms, chilling like we did back then.  I sneezed and she said “bless you.” Needless to say I freaked out. Did this tiny baby just say bless you to me?  She has continued to perfect her speaking talant through her years from talking from sun up to sun down and has told me on many occasions she can't help talking so much, because it's one of her favorite things.

Well her antics have continued and one day when she was 3 years of age, my sweet daughter who was sitting on my lap turned around to face me. She put her cute little hands on my cheeks, looked into my eyes and said:

“Mommy, you are beautiful”… (Wait for it), “Just like me!”

I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes and for the record I don’t know where she got that statement from, I sure enough had never said it and I’ve never heard anyone since say it accept for her. She brings it up every now and again.

People often complimented my daughter on being beautiful and they would go on to say that she was the spitting image of me or my “mini me”.  HMMM!  I never connected my looks with her looks.   In simplest terms I would never have looked in a mirror said “Wow! Senetra Yvonne you are beautiful.”  But my mini me is beautiful and folks are saying I look like her, wait she looks like me!

I tell you this story to say, aren’t we created in the image of God? The One who made the sky so beautiful, and ever changing, that sometimes it takes your breath away. The One who made the double rainbow and placed it perfectly so that I could see it after a long day at work. The stars, the rocks, the moon, the sand, and even the grass; there is beauty in the least of his creations. So we being his best creation, and the only thing in the Bible made in His image; we are nothing less than Beautiful, just like Him.

 So the freckles you cover may be perfectly placed to absorb light that shines out through your eyes.  Your left ear may be higher than your right, because that’s the one God speaks to you in.  No matter the imperfection;  You believe you see God and his purpose has created you in his image and you are purpose created and beautiful, just like him

Homework:  Tonight before you go to bed look at your beautiful reflection smile and know that you are looking at God’s finest creation.  And in the morning look in a mirror and declare to yourself “ I am Beautiful” and thank God for making you perfectly in his image.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Asali that you both are just BEAUTIFUL!!!! Thanks so very much for reminding us how beautiful we are because God made us that way!!!! In my Idia Ayrie voice...singing Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful....
