Friday, April 12, 2013

He said he was sorry ... Let's Move on!!

He said he was sorry…Let’s move on!!  (From the mouth of the 75 year old 5 year old) 

Colossians 3:12-14 ESV Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.
I am so very in love and it is amazing thing because it is fresh and new ever changing and ever growing.  I met my love in December.  Although finger sucking was never something I would consider attractive.  I looked at my beautiful perfect 10 toe having finger sucking daughter and my heart melted.  Three days later after she melted my heart, she put my nerves on edge.  Actually she didn’t but the system did.  I was in awe that the hospital was letting me leave with this bundle of joy.  They didn’t ask about my mothering skills, nobody required finger prints or references.  Sure I had just given birth to her, but clearly there was going to be a lot more to this party then that. 

My love affair and her finger sucking continues.  Now the kid talks walks whistles (which she is ever so proud of by the way) and she is my comic relief.  I expect and look forward to getting calls from her teachers in the future talking about my class clown. 

The weird thing is this child who is the perfect image of her father and I is also quite wise.  I’ve heard people say that each generation gets smarter and weaker (I don’t know about the weak part (although I could clean a chicken and scale fish by the time I was six-I’m just saying – and these jokers can’t make a grill cheese sandwich), but she spits out wisdom on a regular basis.  One time we were at dinner with a friend and I stepped away and came back.  My friend was almost in tears because my then four year old daughter had told her “You just have to believe in yourself.” I said “Oh” and said she’s right about that and kept on eating. 

Well one of her funny wise moments began innocently enough.  She was in the bath tub and she was complaining about her leg.  I asked what happened and she explained that one of the kids at her daycare had knocked her down and she hurt her knee.  WHAT WHAT Growled me!  wHO PUSHED YOU DOWN – WHY DIDN’T THE TEACHER TELL ME AND THIS DON’T MAKE NO SINCE (I was in straight momma black bear attack mode)


What are you kidding me did my child just tell me to calm down, and did she just use the soothing voice that I use on her.  Although I have never told her to “let’s move on.” ( got to give her dap for that.)

I didn’t laugh – heck I was too shocked to laugh.  I said fine then what can I do for you.  She said she just needed an American Band-Aid (I’ve taught her that the ones that don’t have any characters on it are great because they are American Band-aides).  So I gave Miss. Thing her Band-Aid and let her put it on herself and I left the room.

Her wisdom in let’s move on has been applied to many aspects of my life now.  It’s the perfect innocent wise forgiveness of a kid.  They play they fight they love they forgive and they play again.


  1. Love it! As the old saying goes - out of the mouths of babes...

    1. Thank you! I tell you, if you make it pass the conversations about cartoons, playgrounds and toys they are really blessed with the gift of simple wisdom!

  2. Precious! Kids'll get you straight in a heartbeat.

    1. They Rock - Thank you oodles for reading it. Many Blessings to you

  3. Kids can be so profound in their simplicity sometimes. My 12 year old son, Brenden, continually amazes me with his kind and loving heart, as well as his sense of humor. Treasure every moment!

    1. I really do - And thank you so much for reading my BLOG - I tell you I wish I could put a camera on her sometimes to capture the looks and what she says. They are an amazing roller coast blessing.
