Monday, April 8, 2013

Psst...Has anyone seen my cell phone? (subtitled-NO I'm not having a senior moment)

Psst..Has anyone seen my cell phone?

(subtitled – No I’m not having a senior moment!)

Psalm 19:21 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.
Seriously has anyone seen my keys, my cell phone, my eye glasses, my house phone (oh yeah that’s in my purse!

At the age of 12 my life plan was simple.  Get married at around 20, become a  model and a lawyer and a writer (I got one sort of right!).  Have six kids five boys and one girl.  The girl would be the youngest.  Have a penthouse in New York City and a second home in the country (I was diverse even back then.)  This memory cracks me up, because I clearly remember sitting down with my friend Tiffany and telling her my plans. 

I can’t remember what her plans were but, if I had to bet one was to be a nurse, which I am quite proud to say (As well as those she serves) came through. 

But in the blink of an eye 29 years passed by.  The years that I thought moved so slow in retrospect now seem to be moving at the speed of sand through an hour glass (Day’s of our lives was on to something in that verse).  My life clearly wasn’t as hectic as a soap opera but I’ve had my share of roller coaster rides.  And in this speeding waterfall of sand, I’ve noticed that my mind has begun to move faster than my hands instead of their normal unified front!

What you talking 'bout Willis?! (I hope somebody reading this got that) Well let me give you a fine example of my lightning mind and my slow hands.  It was the end of the work day I was happy because I was exhausted.  I logged off like they tell you to do.  I looked at my cell phone, mentally noted oh we can’t forget that grabbed my purse and hopped on the elevator (I know Onesha I’m supposed to be taking the stairs.)  Because God loves fools and He knows gas is high, a simple thought  popped in my head as I sat in the parking lot “Text Tiffany.”(Yes I’m also proud to say the same Tiffany from so many years ago and I are still great friends)  I reached around before I pulled from my space dug in my deep purse and no phone.  That’s odd I clearly remember looking at the phone saying that I can’t forget that grabbing my purse and leaving.  Well back inside I went.  Back on the elevator (hey if I’m not going to walk down the steps – I’m sure enough not walking up the steps)  Back to my desk and there it was where I had last looked  right where I had told myself not to forget it, my cell phone. 

If you’ve read my blog before I’m sure you can recall the whole leaving the key in the ignition battery draining incident. (If not here yah go!

As I ease and dance and cry and creak and dye and  praise towards my birthday, I look back on how time speeds by in big moments and in small ones and that I’ve been moving so fast through it that not only am I losing my keys racing in the house to cook dinner or leaving my glasses in odd places, because I’m racing towards my contacts, so that I can race to get ready, or losing the notes to remind me of what to do.  Nope it’s not a senior moment, it’s a reminder to breathe deep, think and then act.

Here’s your cliché for the day – Stop and smell the roses.

Here’s the Senetra-ism, because the roses will grow, they will bloom, and they will die and you will have missed out on a beautiful thing all because you didn’t slow down.  So Senetra (I talk and write to myself, don’t judge me)slow down breathe deep, unify your mind with your actions.  Remember although it might not seem like it there were only 24 hours in a day when you were 12 too! 
P.S. LOL I never did remember what I was going to text Tiffany (Now that's a senior moment)


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you!! Many blessings to you and Thank you for being my motivation!!!and my Friend

  2. Wow....That sounds so much like me. I too have to remind myself to breathe deep....or as Ms. Debbie Allen said "relax, relate and release." Oh BTW...Different Strokes was one of my favorites as well :-)

    1. Thank you so much for reading my blog! Here is a real funny for you. I saw your comment on the cell phone. The subject line said "Psst has anyone seen my cell phone" My senior moment confession - I thought oh no GaVonne lost her cell phone I hope I didn't pick it up LOL!!!! You ain't never lied relax relate RELEASE!

  3. I'm not sure how I missed this but I guess you read things when you need them. I'm trying to slow down I'm trying.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You never miss anything or a beat so I'm sure you were right on time. I love you and thank you for all of your support - More importantly let me tell you I think if you slowed down you would actually effect the spinning of the planet so do you just remmber to love and bless yourself in the process.
