Sunday, April 28, 2013

Ebenezer say bah humbug...I say blessed stone!

(subtitled this dude got type cast) or (My Ebenezer MOMENT)

1 Samuel 7: 12  Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, "Thus far the LORD has helped us."

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens  is one of my favorite holiday stories and movies.  The book  was published in 1843 and the American version of the movie  came about in 1938.  And here we are in 2013 and we are still talking about it, buying it and sharing it.  To watch or read it is a tradition in many homes.  It just isn’t the holidays if I don’t see at least one version of A Christmas Carol and of course A wonderful Life.

But back to A Christmas Carol and good old Ebenezer Scrooge. I don’t care the spin that is put on it – It could be the Mickey Mouse version, the Twilight Zone version, Jim Carey (remake) or the original  black and white I love it and I’m always excited at the end when he sees the errors of his ways and takes on the true meaning of the holiday (Yes even on my 100th viewing tissue and a deep sigh are usually involved)   If you’ve never seen it (good googaly where have you been) The movie is about an old man who because of life events has become a mean dude who has a lot of material goods but a cold heart and a cold office too.  He gives little of his heart or materials to others or for that matter even himself (FYI love yourself)    He is visited by an old ghost of a friend who warns him.  Man you going down a lonely path (Senetra interpretation).  He is then blessed with being able to witness his past, his now, and his future).  He learns a lesson about who he was, is and who he can be all in one night. (I’m slightly jealous of his revelation because I’m four score into this party and still don’t have a clear picture( but I am enjoying the ride- and NO THANK YOU ON THE GHOSTLY VISITS)

Anyway believe it or not this is not about Christmas or the reflection of the past the present and the future.  This is about the name Ebenezer!

Ebenezer was quite a popular name in the 1800s but did you know it’s also a biblical name!  Who knew that’s what I said any way when I heard a minister make a comment about calling a monument an Ebenezer – A stone of help.

*The word "Ebenezer" comes from Hebrew and is actually two words pronounced together: Even Haazer. Written in Hebrew it looks like this: 
I am excited amazed humbled and blessed to say that on Friday April 26, 2013, somewhere out on this beautiful planet a person read my blog and I was met with meeting a monument/a stone on this God journey of blogging, reaching 1500 hits.  Basically what that means is that someone (possibly my family or me) have accessed the blog 1500 times!  I know it isn’t just my mom LOL, but I clearly remember when God told me to blog and I thought, I don’t know how to do that.  Heck I still don’t people often ask how can I follow your blog (I’m working on it, but right now...)my answer is I don’t know.  To see that people have viewed it in China, Russia, London, and Venezula is amazing, not because I’m  great, but because God has taken me places I’ve never been. 

So this blog, this writing this moment is my Ebenezer – God my stone of help moment- My ode, my grammatically incorrect love card to you who have read it and to God who promotes it and to us who are connected because of this.

I love you.  I thank you.  I pray for you.  I delight in you.  May God’s blessings always be upon you.  You are my blessings you make up my Ebenezer moment. 

God you are my stone of help!  More priceless than the hope diamond.  You make us we this Priceless. 
Hey what are your Ebenezer moments?  I would love to celebrate with you.


  1. Insightful and humbling... Thanks Nene. Ralph J.

  2. Hey Ralph - I hope you are walking in blessings! Thank you for your continued kindness and support and I just giggle big when you call me Nene. Prosperity love and peace I pray for you

  3. (You know i never comment, so surprise!)awesome as always. you are my stone of help as well. what would i ever do without such a wonderful friend as you. i am glad other people are getting a glimpse of the NeNe I have known all along. I'm also glad i have grown up a little and I'm not even mad that others have found out my secret in you! LOL love ya like a sister! Stay blessed! Tiffany

    1. Best surprise EVER!!!!!Ok B and A were the best surprise this comes real close. Thank you for your support your love your friendship your sisterhood - Knowing you makes me me. Blessings forever!
