Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I am Commited (no not the institution kind) subtitled I'm doing the thang!

I’m Commited (subtiled no I don’t mean institutionalized!!!) 
Joshua 24:15 But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."
I’ve got to tell you I struggled writing this but in my commitment to this He has remained committed to me.  I put the computer down turned off the cell phone and worried that maybe this week this blog thing wasn’t going to happen.  In the form of a friend who I love but don’t speak to often – BAM – He gave it to me so…here we go.

I struggle with commitment.  I often ponder my life- reflect whatever and I think Wow you lack commitment as I count the things I’ve started and not finished.  Master’s program (just three more classes  to go)  knitting I can make a satisfactory keep you warm scarf but I got stumped at the increase decrease part and don’t even get me started on tassels and casting off.  There are volumes of things I’ve started and didn’t finish because it bored me, it got too frustrating to be consider relaxing (hot yoga – REALY) or well I just wasn’t committed!

Unfortunately that last sentence also can apply to a varying (I refuse to say many) number of dating relationships that I’ve had in my life.  Yes I am one to complain that there are no good prospects out there for me.  I’m not Catholic but I have lit my fair share of candles in the hopes that my prayer attached to that flame would flicker in God’s eyes and poof he would give me the right one.  Under the light of a pity party though well maybe the one came and went and I missed that person because of my lack of commitment.

Woooossshhhhh (That is the sound of me blowing the pity party cake candles out-party over)  Now let’s talk about who I am and who you are and who we are growing to be.  I am committed yeah I said it and the ghost of dates past may pop out and shout otherwise but it’s true.  I am committed to this life thing, living and loving and believing and praying and laughing and learning.  I’m committed to God – Yep I said that too (technically I wrote it).  I love the Dude.  I’m no saint far from it, but I still love Him.  I sing with Him and He doesn’t even mind my tone deafness or my inability to carry a note.
I’m not big on telling folks my peeves one because I don’t have many and two because well I usually work to get pass them and just love folks, but there is one that I can’t get pass… When somebody looks me in my beautiful brown eyes and says you have missed your calling.  Be it my calling for comedy my calling for acting writing or whatever gift I’m presenting at that moment.  I think to myself Nope I just used my calling you just didn’t know you were worthy enough to be blessed by it (a little ego tripping there).  I’m saying that to say I’m committed to riding this roller coaster ride until the end, loops twirls and even the death defying drops.  I’m committed not until the fat lady sings (because I sing in the shower all the time)  I’m committed until the line goes flat and the unbroken beep sings and then you know what I’m on to my next adventure fully committed.

Give yourself some credit today be proud of the things you are committed too.  You never missed your calling you are living it right now, so be the best and be a blessing to somebody else, because you are already a blessing to me!   If you are breathing then you are committed to living so make the best of it, until the flat line sings! 


  1. Replies
    1. love you right back - Hey knowing you makes this ride even better - Mo betta makes it Mo betta
