Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I met a great guy Once (Subtitlted - And No it wasn't online)

I met a great guy once (subtitled and no it wasn’t on line)

Jeremiah 29:11  11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 

Believe it or not I met a guy once.  And it was the old fashioned way.  There were no user names involved or questionnaires.  I was hanging out with a friend and we decided to walk around in downtown Washington District of Columbia (going forward Washington District of Columbia – will be referred to as DC or possibly Chocolate City I’m not sure yet) , which for the record can be one of the most amazing and beautiful cities at night (contrary to news reports – nobody tried to rob me, beat me  or sell me drugs) 

Downtown DC is almost magical at night.  Not magic kingdom magical but there is an energy that you can feel all around you when you are there.  I always joked that it took my breath away that at nights  on the way to a club or girls night dinner that we would ride right past the white house and on the way home depending on my route and traffic I could either drive past the Washington Capital building or the FBI building. 

This night though I really wasn’t feeling the club that we had selected, but had no desire to head home at 9 o’clock (Yes I know that the clubs don’t get started until after 11pm, but even in my youth I was grown and chose rest over clubs usually – in less it was reggae but that is another blog all together). 

This particular night my friend and I strolled up the sidewalk to DuPont Circle, which is a well known landmark in DC.  There is a beautiful fountain in the center and many people converge to play chess.

Now this is where the story gets conflicting, because I still stand on the fact that he picked me up and not the other way around and that is the story I will tell my daughter (fine our daughter)  All and all the elements were just right for our meeting.  The elements included my very cute summer dress and wedge heels and for him (dread) locs, which is one of my favorite things.  (I’m a Rasta girl).  Anyway I pretended (wait that’s the wrong word).  I entertained the idea of learning how to play chess with this loc wearing man and here comes the lesson.

He explained chess in a way that in all these years later I still have not forgotten.  He said the pawns are children, the king is the head of the household.  And the Queen well she can do anything.  The Knights and Rooks were uncles.  I don’t remember what the bishops were (maybe he’ll comment and remind me)  All and all the game was about strategy and how to protect your family.  (Needless to say he got my number that night, because his explanation of the game was the best pick up line I had heard in a long time! – I mean come on he acknowledged my royal qualities, with that the Queen she can do anything)

Every now and again I feel like life is a big chess game and God is playing Himself and I’m just getting moved around like a pawn.  Today though God spoke to me (I told you He and I talk, so don’t get weird on me now) and he reminded me I’m not a pawn, I may act “pawnish” sometimes but to Him – I am a Queen he explained he protects, me through his Word and through our conversations (prayer).  He positioned me for a future and a hope.  He is the King and although sometimes it seems like so much else can be scarified for him, it is his desire to stand guard and to protect.  Check Mate doesn’t mean I loose.  God is playing both sides.  It isn’t a me versus Him – It’s a God and I versus the Universe! I am not just a piece in the game I am worth protecting.  I am worth laying your life down for (and isn’t that what he did, through Jesus)

So Game Won Baby!  I’ve got the Chess Master on my side.

Put your game face on!!!


  1. Uuuhhh!!!! Yes I like that story. I'll call it 'the great guy story'. I'm familiar with the character. Lol.

    1. He's a good character he comes from great folks - thank you for always supporting me.

  2. MOTHER NATURE controls everything, FATHER TIME just let's her know when.... You picked me up... I just allowed it! ;-) I love you!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.
