Sunday, June 2, 2013

La Familia (I hope I'm saying that right!)

Subtitled – oh wait you can’t hear me can you & one special shout out to Red!


Romans 12:9 - Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.
Romans 13:10 - Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

(I couldn’t help it this called for two verses)

I love how La Familia sounds it rolls off the tongue – And it moves my heart – The Family.

I remember when I was in (and I continue to be) in my learn more about Nene (ME) stage aka finding myself.  I asked my Mom a question.  I don’t remember the motivation behind the question, like if I had heard it asked in some movie or book that I had listened to (even though I love to write I actually listen to audio books more than I read) 

I asked my Mom what she thought I couldn’t live without.  I’m thinking she’s going to say something deep like, my righteous, holy daughter of great spirit – I know that you cannot live without Jesus.  (Lol I’m so, not deep and I can only spell righteous because of spell check and my spirit is best defined as free)  or maybe she would go simple and say girl as much as you eat, I’m thinking you can’t live without restaurants!  Heck even maybe she would say I can’t live without friends, because my friendship circle is tight – older (not in age don’t be sucking yawls teeth)  But in years I have friends who I have known for over thirty years.   I didn’t use any names sister girls let’s let everyone assume we met when we were born in the hospital and the circle has been going strong ever since.

My Mom, however shocked me by saying FAMILY.  It was shocking because this conversation had taken place after I had moved over four hundred miles away from family a few years prior to this conversation,  to a town where I had/have no blood family.  Like most children of parents we instantly think, WOW my mom/dad still doesn’t know me.  Don’t get me wrong I love my family but clearly I was living without them around me.

Wisdom trumps pride and bravado every time and I laugh as I think back because she was and is so very right.  I live many miles away from my family, but I actively seek their relationship through phone calls, sometimes cards and Facebook talk.  I hop in the Echo for birthdays, holidays or just because my soul needs to touch home.  There is something so wonderful about walking into my mommy’s house.  The smells the feel the memories cover me.  They make all the bad stress of work life and responsibility drift away and I find myself at peace and I feel so safe as I open her refrigerator (Maybe because I didn’t buy anything in it) and I know all my favorite things are waiting for me (hint mom PLEASE make the cheese salad!)

I’ve heard my pastor and I’ve read (listened) to a couple of books about people who have had near death experiences.  They all talk about love and relationships when they visited the next level.  I don’t know whether my pastor has ever had a near death experience, but he has strongly expressed his belief that the one thing you do take with you in the next life (after life heaven next energy etc.) is relationships.  So although I love my iPod, my Samsung phone and my really super cute shoes that people compliment me on all the time.  If these items were even able to last forever I won’t be taking them to Heaven to text other people, however I will take the love and relationships that I have here to Heaven.  Love is so much more than a feeling/emotion it is an energy an organic living thing – The greatest gift. 

The joy that I have when I sit back at a family reunion and look at my family or on Thanksgiving when we all pack into a relative’s home and talk about Thanksgivings past and childhood memories.  So Mom yes you were right – Who Knew (Fine you knew)  Family be it blood or selected.  Those souls you count on those souls that bring you un-materialistic (pretty sure I just made that word up), unconditional love.  La Familia is eternal, love it and protect it as such.  Through the good and the bad.  Through the sick and the healthy.  Through the success and the failures.  The family, the relationships they are forever. 

To the Family – To Love – You are eternal!

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