Sunday, September 15, 2013

For every Mountain...

For Every Mountain
(From Mt. Everest, the tallest mountain in the world - to Mount Wycheproof, the smallest.)

Jeremiah 29:11
New Living Translation (NLT)
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

This week has been a beautiful, amazingly wild week… 
You all know that the Echo was stolen (by the way she hasn't been recovered). However, two beautiful women that I love, brought three babies into the world - Twin boys and a princess...Known in my world respectively as Beta, Alpha and Red Velvet. - My church was under attack (Character attack) and - I got engaged to be married.   

Yes, all these events occurred over a seven-day period.
Well, I was sitting on the couch.  I would love to say I was in deep meditation, but the truth is, Sanford and Son was on and it had just struck me that it was Tuesday and something was incomplete.  I had fed the girl and my guys and already checked homework.  Ahhh yes my blog, (God's blog, my commitment) I had not started or thought about my blog! 

As always the Father was right on time, because in the background I was hearing Fred Sanford calling his son a “Big Dummy”, I heard ‘For Every Mountain’ coming from the radio.  This is a beautiful song and my Spirit directed me to look at the lyrics.  (No worries I will attach the link and a video below). 
The lyrics don't say, “For all the good times…. the new car….” But instead it says, “For every mountain you've brought me over, for every trial you've brought me through, I give you praise!”
Praising God through the ‘storm’, the ‘mountain moments’, the ‘I cannot get out of bed moments’, the moments when you ‘feel all alone’.  Praising God in the middle can bring about a peace so sweet and a joy so powerful that your heart will begin to sing, mine has and does. 

You may have heard it before, but let me say it one more time.  Praise him through it all, ‘cause his heart's desire is to bless you with a Hope and a Future.
 Here are the lyrics - Try saying them without singing them, which makes it real personal:

Now get your sing on and let the words sink into your soul:

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