Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Thefts, Blessings, Echo and Friends - It's so hard to say Good Bye to Yesterday

It's so hard to say good bye to yesterday (And I will take with me the memories to be my sunshine ...)


James 1:2

My brothers and sisters, consider it nothing but joy when you fall into all sorts of trials


We met in 2001 and although I had my eye on something else, something a little fancier, faster, and stylish, I walked passed you, but you called out to me.  Your zippy spy car looks tickled me, your efficiency delighted me and so the investment in to our friendship began.  2001 Toyota Echo it was me and you.


You were small but powerful, I packed you up and we left our homeland and moved to Charlotte.  When I was homesick you were right there for me to get me safely thru the 400 miles, back home to my Mom.  Even though in the earlier years I got homesick every weekend, you never flinched, on one tank of gas and a prayer we made the back ‘n forth - those were the thousand-mile-weekend days.


Not only did you bond with me, you blessed others by giving them jumps, trekking out to the airport at all hours of the night, so I could get a friend home.  The air was always cool from the ac and the heat was always warm in the winter.

We had our moments, when you had a rattle and a shimmy - and don't even get me started on how you handle the miles of Kentucky mountains - brining both my daughter (your new charge) and I back from a nerve breaking drive that included motion sickness medicine.


And when I forgot to check the oil? You loved me anyway!

And on your last day, you showed me something greater than I could have ever expected.  When the strangers took you away, stolen from right under my nose, your spirit remained and I was blessed by those who loved you and truly love me.

Through the theft of my car my daughter and I were blessed by those loved ones and were taken care of quite well.  Happy Hazel my neighbor handed over the non-keys to me to make sure my daughter and I were off to work without missing a beat.(LOL I haven't had a new car in a minute yall imagine my shock when I learned some of the new cars have pushed button ignitions!  some cars don't even have keys what the what)   From offers of car sharing, to people who were even willing to sacrifice their own comfort, (I love you Kay and Tee) willing to drive the hundreds of miles here to bring me a car and then turn around and drive back to their home so that they can share a car.   Right now as I write this, another angel is on her way to loan me her vehicle. 

God I count it all joy! I miss my Echo, but I have an even greater love for those who stretched out there arms, their words, their gifts and blessed me. My prayer for you is – “May God surround you with the right people at the right time and in the right place,” - you also need to love on them like crazy.  You are a blessing so be a blessing.


A moment of reflection for the Echo 

A moment of PRAISE Cause my God has blessed me with Angels


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