Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sang that SONG JAMES>>>>

I don't believe he brought me this far to leave me...Sometimes you got to reach way back to move forward (James Cleveland sang it like it was)


Isaiah 54:17

King James Version (KJV)
17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord.

I had a lot on my mind when I walked into my house today.  Nothing major just a million little thoughts and when I opened my door I could hear "I don't believe he brought me this far to leave me."  No angels weren't singing, well I guess technically it was because James Cleveland was singing through Pandora and I sat my stuff down and raised my hands and fell into the song like a hug from my Father.

I stood there hands waiving believing and knowing that if God got me here he is sure enough going get me there!!!

That may be too deep for some heck its sort of too deep for me.  So enter the mind of Senetra, my minutes later thought as I stood in my kitchen was that "We got guns too!"

This is a small line from the movie "Avatar" .  I just got a blue ray player so I decided to watch one of the blue rays that I had purchased a few years ago.  Don't judge me it was on sale.

The line comes during a scene when a fighter pilot is helping to support the natives against the military attack.  As she sees the enemy shooting down the natives she swoops up in her helicopter and begins shooting at the enemy and she calmly says we got guns too!

How do these two things relate well again enter my mind.  When I walked in the door and heard this song I began to praise God and I thought he is my weapon. 

Enemy I got GUNS TOO!

He has not brought me this far to leave me...And trust and believe he has brought me very very far.

So I blog all that to say this...

Praise God - He is our weapon.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Rope a dope ... People are cool

Rope-a-dope style...I'm all over the place with this one but keep yet holding on

Proverbs 27:9–10 The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense. Never abandon a friend--either yours or your father's. When disaster strikes, you won't have to ask your brother for assistance. It's better to go to a neighbor than to a brother who lives far away. (NLT)

I went to a beautiful wedding last year and saw something I had not seen before.  This lovely young couple was presented with three pieces of rope...One representing God, one the Wife, and one the husband and then this couple was commissioned to tie the three pieces of rope together symbolizing their relationship with God and with each other and how the three pieces were now powerfully stronger than the one.

So the first part of the blog is humbly called don't be a hermit, the precious ring can't carry you on its back up a mountain or keep you warm.  That is a special shout out to the movie the Lord of the Rings.  And how a material thing became so coveted sometimes even beyond relationships.  But in reality there is greater power in relationship than there is in a ring.

Everyone won't get married, heck everybody doesn't want too, but there are so many other relationships out there that make us stronger. Our relationship with our neighbors, coworkers, family, and friends...even the relationship with our enemies can reflect who we are and who we will become. And of course our relationship with God.

I do not believe God created us to be alone, to seclude ourselves from relationship because of fear, intolerance or self preservation.  We've got to get out there and learn to love and like one another because two is better than one and three well three is amazing.

Ok part two - The Rope-A-Dope...I had to look this one up because I never ever use the term but it ties into relationships as well.  Muhammad Ali one of the greatest boxers ever coined this term.  In the boxing world it is when you are on the ropes and getting beat down and your opponent thinks he/she has won, but you're really there gaining energy renewing your strength...I would like to believe praying and leaning on the relationship you have with God. 

You take a deep breath lean o your faith and you come out swinging!  You are not defeated you are more than a conqueror and you are not ALONE.

In summary...Enjoy this world...Honor and enjoy people...Whether you are up or down...relish in your relationships and know that they are stronger than you Alone

You are NOT ALONE!

Rope-a-dope BABY

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Crazy voices!!!

The crazy voices (that's odd that voice sounds like MINE)

For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,

 Life has been moving wonderfully sweet and fast and slow all at the same time, if you know what I mean.  When God blesses you things seem to line up in perfect order and life moves along and then the voices come. 

You can't do this!

This wasn't meant for you!

You suck!

This will never work.

You don't even know what you are doing. 

You will fail.

You can't walk on water! (but wait didn't Peter even if only for a second or two)

The world seems to tornado from your wonderful yellow brick road to a cracked sidewalk.  And you know what happens when you step on a crack...

So as I walked on my roads paved with goal, small cracks started appearing.  Cracks of doubt insecurity and low self esteem.  Who was causing these cracks who was evil enough to destroy the wonderful blessings that God had placed in my care custody and control.

That's odd the voice that was creating the heated cracks across my path was not a jealous neighbor or a hater from my past who prophesies my demise.

The dag on voice was my voice...My own sweet voice telling me that I wasn't good enough.  That I didn't deserve the gifts, that voice put its hands on its hips and told me that it knew all the dirt of my past and I didn't deserve one single thing.

Fortunately, God had prepared me for my own voice.  He told me to cover my head and guard my heart.  I didn't know at the time he meant even against my own self, but you know what sometimes we are our own worst enemy.

Bless yourself, love yourself, believe in yourself, not even the weapon of your own mind shall destroy you.


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Collard Greens and Black Eye Peas

Did you eat your black eye peas and collard greens...(subtitled) Did you get your change and dollars!  (pork is optional)


2 Corinthians 5:17
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!



The New Year comes with so many rules hopes and wishes.  Got to get that first kiss, some say you got to let a man cross the threshold of your house first, to bless you with good luck.  No washing the clothes because you will wash away your luck for the year.  My personal favorite you can't let the old year meet the new year...Which was interpreted by my grandmother (Esther) and Mom (mommy) as taking all the Christmas things down before the new year.  And when I say down I mean down and packed away.


This time of year can also be emotional.  You reflect on failed resolutions and money lost broken relationships you pray and hope that this year will be better than the last year.


I know it may be a bit cliché to start my first blog of the year writing about the New Year, new goals, new resolutions, a new YOU, but I am so I hope you enjoy the ride.

So what's your resolution, what is your plan of being a new and amazing YOU...Are you going to lose weight, clean the house more, stop cursing smoking drinking.

Here is one I never hear but I think I'm going to put on my life list.  This year I'm going to love myself more.  I'm going to honor the life that God gave me and use it to love myself and in that  be a blessing to others. 

What that means to me well...quite honestly it doesn't matter, because my walk is uniquely different from yours and yours is wonderfully different from mine.  We were all made in His image, but not to be exactly a like to mimic one another.  Our common threads are our Father and our love.  We all have a beautiful purpose though. 

You we are here for a purpose...And that purpose well once again I can't tell you yours just like you can't tell me mine, but I know it is true and perfect and good and full of love.

God Bless You/Y'all in the New Year.

Love yourself!

Honor your God!

Be a blessing to someone, because you are blessed!