Sunday, January 12, 2014

Rope a dope ... People are cool

Rope-a-dope style...I'm all over the place with this one but keep yet holding on

Proverbs 27:9–10 The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense. Never abandon a friend--either yours or your father's. When disaster strikes, you won't have to ask your brother for assistance. It's better to go to a neighbor than to a brother who lives far away. (NLT)

I went to a beautiful wedding last year and saw something I had not seen before.  This lovely young couple was presented with three pieces of rope...One representing God, one the Wife, and one the husband and then this couple was commissioned to tie the three pieces of rope together symbolizing their relationship with God and with each other and how the three pieces were now powerfully stronger than the one.

So the first part of the blog is humbly called don't be a hermit, the precious ring can't carry you on its back up a mountain or keep you warm.  That is a special shout out to the movie the Lord of the Rings.  And how a material thing became so coveted sometimes even beyond relationships.  But in reality there is greater power in relationship than there is in a ring.

Everyone won't get married, heck everybody doesn't want too, but there are so many other relationships out there that make us stronger. Our relationship with our neighbors, coworkers, family, and friends...even the relationship with our enemies can reflect who we are and who we will become. And of course our relationship with God.

I do not believe God created us to be alone, to seclude ourselves from relationship because of fear, intolerance or self preservation.  We've got to get out there and learn to love and like one another because two is better than one and three well three is amazing.

Ok part two - The Rope-A-Dope...I had to look this one up because I never ever use the term but it ties into relationships as well.  Muhammad Ali one of the greatest boxers ever coined this term.  In the boxing world it is when you are on the ropes and getting beat down and your opponent thinks he/she has won, but you're really there gaining energy renewing your strength...I would like to believe praying and leaning on the relationship you have with God. 

You take a deep breath lean o your faith and you come out swinging!  You are not defeated you are more than a conqueror and you are not ALONE.

In summary...Enjoy this world...Honor and enjoy people...Whether you are up or down...relish in your relationships and know that they are stronger than you Alone

You are NOT ALONE!

Rope-a-dope BABY

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