Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Collard Greens and Black Eye Peas

Did you eat your black eye peas and collard greens...(subtitled) Did you get your change and dollars!  (pork is optional)


2 Corinthians 5:17
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!



The New Year comes with so many rules hopes and wishes.  Got to get that first kiss, some say you got to let a man cross the threshold of your house first, to bless you with good luck.  No washing the clothes because you will wash away your luck for the year.  My personal favorite you can't let the old year meet the new year...Which was interpreted by my grandmother (Esther) and Mom (mommy) as taking all the Christmas things down before the new year.  And when I say down I mean down and packed away.


This time of year can also be emotional.  You reflect on failed resolutions and money lost broken relationships you pray and hope that this year will be better than the last year.


I know it may be a bit cliché to start my first blog of the year writing about the New Year, new goals, new resolutions, a new YOU, but I am so I hope you enjoy the ride.

So what's your resolution, what is your plan of being a new and amazing YOU...Are you going to lose weight, clean the house more, stop cursing smoking drinking.

Here is one I never hear but I think I'm going to put on my life list.  This year I'm going to love myself more.  I'm going to honor the life that God gave me and use it to love myself and in that  be a blessing to others. 

What that means to me well...quite honestly it doesn't matter, because my walk is uniquely different from yours and yours is wonderfully different from mine.  We were all made in His image, but not to be exactly a like to mimic one another.  Our common threads are our Father and our love.  We all have a beautiful purpose though. 

You we are here for a purpose...And that purpose well once again I can't tell you yours just like you can't tell me mine, but I know it is true and perfect and good and full of love.

God Bless You/Y'all in the New Year.

Love yourself!

Honor your God!

Be a blessing to someone, because you are blessed!


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