Saturday, September 13, 2014

Lift Elevators and Prayers

Using the lift...Elevator prayers, 3 flights to go!

 Matthew 18:20 NIV
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."

I will not say whether work is my favorite place to go on a Monday morning at 8:00am ok fine usually a little later than that, but that's my business.
I will just let you make your own conclusion as I'm sure you too have had to crawl out of bed run into the shower, grab the kid rush to school, forget the back pack rush back to school, then go into the office that has a special appreciation for your skills.
One day God said I know you like to pray and I said Yes Lord, Yes I do, so he said pray for the people in the elevator.  And I said COOL.
So I made it a sort of habit that if there was one person on the elevator with me, I would explain rather quickly, I don't want to know your business but can I pray for you.  I would say it quickly because there were only three floors to travel.  Thankfully the elevator is slow.
More often than not, the person would say yes.  I would pray they would smile and that was the end of that.  Off to fight the giants in the office.  But I felt a little like David, I had strong faith - Who is greater than my God and I had just done something he asked me to do which doesn't happen as consistent as it should.
I even had one lady hug me one day.  Awkward as my kid would say.
My most recent Lift Prayer went rather similar.  The ladies eyes lit up and I prayed the elevator opened and we stepped out.  This time though she said hey wait, do you want me to pray for you. Excuse me, I was actually shocked.  Nobody ever asked to pray for me.  She grabbed my hand in the middle of the office hallway and began to pray.  I had my eyes closed, my head lowered, and I was smiling real big.
The prayer took about 30 seconds maybe and she headed towards her office and I skipped to mine.
Two important points
Lift prayers are really cool and I challenge you to try it.
If somebody prays for you, if you are able pray right back at them. 

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