Sunday, September 21, 2014

Wellness CHECK

Wellness Check...You never know...

Mark 16:12

After that he appeared in another form to two of them, as they walked, and went into the country

So I don't know if I ever told you about the time I met God.  Listen you can think what you want it really isn't even up for debate.  I knew who He was after he left, He knew who I was before my time had even began.

I met God at the mall.  Ok let me explain he didn't page (this happened before cell phones - I had a cool blue pager - you could page me then I had to find a pay phone) me and say meet me on the second floor I've got to talk to you.

It was very simple.  I was wearing a cross a cute wooden one that I loved.  I was strolling past some stores care free (I was a teenager with no kids and no bills, you tend to float at this time in your life).  This old white man walked straight up to me, pointed at my cross necklace and said.  Do you know what that means, do you know what it's about.  I said yes I do (I didn't say Yes Sir because I didn't leave in the south yet)  He smiled and walked away.  I looked back and he was gone.

To this day I believe that was God doing a wellness check on me.

I say all that to say - He came to visit again recently.  In the form of a really nice older woman with a cool British accent.  This time He/She asked if she could sit down at a bench where a friend and I were sitting.  I was wearing my favorite shirt from church that says "No perfect, people allowed!  She said well your shirt says no perfect people allowed so I wanted to make sure it was ok.  I laughed she laughed and she and I had the greatest five minute conversation ever.  I told her about my church we joked a bit and off she went.

You can believe what you choose to believe about who I met.  The point of this one.  You never know who you're talking to or who your blessings.
So choose to treat them well..because you never know it could be a wellness check.

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