Monday, July 30, 2012

Bad day Ends in Love

So work rough yah da yah day yahda - I had a lot of "Make me want to Hollar" moments.  Then came the love.  My neighbor God forever bless her is the mos giving lady I know.  She doesn't even know how great she is.  She doesn't have much but if she has a dime she "will gladly give you the nine!".  She calls me and m negative alter ego is clearly convinced that this call means my house is on fire, because that is just what kind of day it was.

Hey I made Spaghetti and Meatballs!  Want some. 

My tired mind only appreciated a little bit of this (Yes I don't have to cook for my daughter)

Picked up A.K.I.D (my mini me) and I say hey look.  I'm going to drop you off at Ms. Happy Hazel (my neighbor) and I'm going to go in the house for a minute. 

Ms. Hazel invited us in and I said Ms. Hazel I'm too tired to eat - I'm hungry but beat.  She offered me water, tea, or wine.  She offered friendship laughter.  45 minutes later the weight of the world had lifted.  My daughter was fed - And because of a kind loving act (without me even asking) My belly was full, my soul was calmed and I knew yet again that God is real (sometimes I admit I do need a reminder.

So a bloggers life continues (hahaha that's me a blogger two days in and I've proclaimed myself)

Bless you and bless all those folks no matter your religion, your color, your status who choose to just be nice to someone.

It is appreciated.

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