Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bake me a cake and bless your neighbors

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Bake me a cake. When i was five or six or maybe older, I will call it the age of licking the bowl. There was nothing greater then my grandmother saying we could bake a cake because I knew I would get to lick the bowl. Food poisoning be darned. I licked the bowl the spoon and the mixer.

It wasn't that my Grandmother Esther was some great baker or that the boxed cake mixed was the best. I'm sure it was the cheapest, we were poor money wise but rich in love. So in my young age you couldn't tell me that the apartment with no air-condition and windows that had to be propped open - that I wasn't living large.

With the cake baking came a point of childish selfishness too. I knew that after this cake was done I would have to take a slice of this cake to almost everybody on the block.

"Alright baby, go take a piece to Ms. Bell and the lady on the high step and of course to Ms Mary and Stan and take some to the Jones's house too!"

Each one of these people were characters in there own right on my small world of a block on 5th & O and DC. But that's for another time. In this case I would pout my way down to each neighbor with a paper plate with in my opinion slices of cake that were too big and more importantly were mine!

Each neighbor thanked me and finally I would go home and get m own piece!

As an adult this memory has stayed with me. My grandmother who was on food stamps living in a small apartment gave from her little and made her Urban block a community, a village by sharing from her little - Her little made us rich. And that legacy of sharing that cake has instilled in me a spirit of sharing and loving.

Why John 3:16? And not love our neighbor as yourself, well God shared his best making this big world a community a village all of us connected because of his GIFT!

The light of God is in all of us let it shine share it and be legacy blessed.

I LOVE YOU - YOU ARE HERE on this Earth because YOU are... fill in the blank. You mean something to somebody who may never even know your name!


  1. Thanks for the beautiful reminder of how to show love to others in such a practical and simple way!

  2. The guest speaker at Church last Sunday used John 3:16 in her sermon titled "Unwrap the Gift!" Your blog reminds us to give love unconditionally in a simple way. Thank you!

    1. God is awesome! He said 3:16 I had to check it out and this is what He gave me - Thank you for reading keep me writing if you don't see a post in 7 days Yell at me you got the number - Exercising this writing gift
      to God's glory

  3. Giving from the heart is not about money, it is about love in its purest form. How beautiful this memory is and how wonderful of you to share it and the love in your words with us all. Keep the inspiration coming - you are filled with truth and wisdom!

  4. This is a beautiful reminder of how we should all live. What we put out in the world may not have a visible result to us but can make such an impact on those we touch.

  5. What a sad spiritual state I would be in if God had decided to be selfish and keep his grand gift of eternal life to himself. Blessings are wonderful and as your grandmother taught you at such a young age, we need to remember to share our blessings with others, just as God shares His good gifts with us.

    1. Amen! My prayer going forward for all of us is to learn our gifts and use them to glorify God - I'm learning there sure is some peace in that.

  6. I've always love hearing your childhood and family stories. They are so colorful and genuine. May God continue to write His words on the tablet of your heart to be shared with the world!!!
