Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pay attention to what you take in!

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. 

Sick AND TIRED AND TIRED AND SICK!  And no it wasn’t the flu I was depressed.  I was experiencing sadness and loneliness and any other ness you can think of.  I hated my job and I felt strongly that my 40 years on earth had been an utter waste.  Fortunately I got tired of feeling this way  and with the little bit of faith and common sense I had left-I gathered the energy to stand and say that I was tired of being depressed and sad – yes even optimist have their down times.  In my desire to get back to being the “normal” me I knew and loved, my mind reminded me of a comment my friend Atiyah had made.  She said “Pay attention to what you take in!”  The thought came back to me as a small loud whisper.  When she made the comment she and I were talking about the shows and music our children watch and hear.  But aren’t I a daughter of the most high my mind shouted so what was I putting in to me!   

 My self assessment went a little like this.  I wake up tired, dreading my job and going to work.  I listen to “Strawberry letters” via Steve Harvey, which makes me ponder , how lonely I am but that clearly relationships are crazy so why even try.  A little Chuck Brown to get my blood flowing, but not enough to count as true cardio. Caught some of  the news to be current on what dramas t has occurred while I slept.  At work my day was full of complaining , gossip, annoyance, and prayer please to release me from this Hell.  Then there was more gossip covered under a blanket of concern.  You know, “How is (fill in the blank) oh she is doing XYZ but did you hear ABC, well I will pray for her.”  No music, no laughter, no joy.  When I came home all I could do was sit on the couch turn the TV on for background sound to my worrying thoughts of depression and sadness.  I really wondered if this was  it, is this the rest of my life-depression and worry.  I cringed at the thought.  I didn’t have a smile or a good word for anyone and that is not how I roll.  Deep down inside I knew my purpose – To be a blessing, - To be a light in a dark world.  (Homework and future blog start pondering your purpose)

So I decided to pay sincere attention about what I was taking in.  I changed my morning listening to praise music – and let me tell you there is a whole lot of praise music from country to reggae (my two favorites).  I decided to go to sleep with thoughts of praise in my mind and to wake up with praise in my heart.  I forced myself to not complain (OK Honest talk not to complain as much) about my circumstance and claim my faith and praise all over the day.  I decided to speak life and blessings into people’s lives and pray for all that I could.   I decided to use one of my gifts t as a route to glorify.  I even started reading devotions in the morning. 

And you know what – there was a wonderful shift.  The old bright shining Senetra came out of hiding from under depression and sadness.  Not only did the “normal” Senetra come shining through, but so did my “new normal.”  My new normal me called on my faith when I started worrying.  I began to praise in the middle of the storm instead of succumbing to anger, worry and rage.  And you know what putting in good allowed me to exude love, fellowship, wisdom and joy.  

So in the words of a wise woman “Pay attention to what you take in.”  Try it for at least one week, pay attention to the gossip you chew on, the negative thoughts you absorb in your spirit, the frustration and worry that has become so much of our everyday lives.  Then learn to fight those things choose to take in good.  The beauty of praise.  The joy of laughter.  The compassion in praying for someone instead of cursing or gossiping about them and I believed you will be amazed and in love with your new normal.  You are a blessing and will be a blessing.


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