Monday, February 25, 2013

The Adversary Part 1

The Adversary part  I!!  You better recognize!

2 Corinthians 11:14 ESV

And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.


Adversary; all week this one word has entered my mind.  Not in an angry way – but in an evaluation kind of way.  I’m a writer, it tickles me to say that, and I love words.  I don’t love them enough to beat my friend Cassandra at Words with Friends.  But I love them in the way that a jeweler loves to study a diamond.  No matter the size of the diamond the jeweler appreciates the unique nature of each precious stone. 

Adversary – My initial Senetra created definition is – Anything that is hating on the You that you have been called to be.  I will however, clean it up though per Webster, the definer of all words with their definition of  Adversary which is “One who is turned against another or others with a design to oppose or resist them; a member of an opposing or hostile party; an opponent; an antagonist; an enemy; a foe.

 I was listening to a really great book (I’m an audio book lover so I listen to most of my books).  The book is titled “The boy who came back from Heaven….a true story” by Kevin & Alex Malarkey.  The book is about a family who is put to the test when Kevin has a near fatal car accident involving him and six year old son, Alex.   His son lies between here and there in a comma.  Even while Mr. Malarkey prayed for healing faith and strength, he commented that “The Adversary” in his mind questioned why he was praying because the accident was his fault.  That he had destroyed his family, that his wife and the injured child would hate him forever.  What a heavy curtain to have to get past to get to God.

Have you ever seen the movie with Denzel Washington “Fallen” – Well I have not because I’m a scared cat and I don’t do scary movies.  Fortunately however, I have good friends who have the gift of telling the entire movie from beginning to end including vividly describing any and all cliff hangers.  This might be annoying to some and it’s annoying to me sometimes too but at the end of the day I look at it as a saving opportunity – Because I sure won’t spend the money to see it now You’ve told me the Whole THING!!

Fallen is about a demon Azzael who has the ability to jump from body to body by touch and possess people and make them do evil.  Denzel plays a police officer who is trying to trap the “Fallen” demon and destroy him.    Scary yes, but we will use my fear as an educational opportunity.  

Clearly, this demon was the true adversary, but this movie illustrated how clearly the adversary can use anyone to bring about confusion, destruction, sadness, and/or doubt into a situation. 

The adversary can use your mother, your father, your friend, and even the person next to you on the metro bus to plant a small seed of doubt into your God plan.  But the easiest person to attack, to trick is YOU!   Without you or those people even knowing that the adversary is utilizing them to plant a small seed of doubt and fear.  Doubt and fear are powerful tools used by the adversary in an attempt to distract you in any way possible from moving forward with an exciting idea that God has given you.

Remember the Adversary is one Hell of an actor. 

Homework, get your knees dirty and start praying for a mind and a spirit that can recognize the voice of God and recognize the voice of the Adversary.

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