Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I'm a mean Ole Lion - GGRRRR

I’m a mean ole lion!

Proverbs 28:1 The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions.
The Wiz plays at the Gusman Center September 2
The Wiz (1978) is one of my all time favorite movies.  I think I was six when the movie came out.  I actually don’t recall seeing it at the movie theater, but in elementary school if you went to Phyllis E Williams, in Largo Maryland,  we watched that movie it seemed every last week of school, when the teachers were tired of us and we were tired of them and we were all just waiting for the summer break to begin.   Wow, now that I think about it I have to laugh because this movie was on an actual movie projector – There was no VCR excuse me I mean Beta movie players.
I loved the Wiz for so many reasons.  I had seen the Wizard of Oz several times, but the Wiz; it just mesmerized me from the music to the dancing even the lines were great.  And of course my “Poster Boyfriend” Michael Jackson was in it, so this was a must see.  If you’ve never seen the Wiz its basically the Wizard of Oz with pizzazz! 

Just this past week I was in the car and decided that I was tired of listening to the radio and all the commercials.  So I broke out my CD folder and pulled out the Wiz soundtrack, and popped it in the player.   My favorite song on the cd is track 13 – “I’m a mean ole lion.” 

You’ve got to understand the Lion in the Wiz was bad (and I mean good).  His Lion suit was a three piece suit with a pimp style collar and he had swagger.  I remember jumping about ten feet when he burst out of a statue to scare Dorothy, the Tin Man and the Scarecrow.  He strutted around singing that he would turn their day in to night and snarl because he was a mean ole Lion.

Well Toto (yes same name as in The Wizard oz) wasn’t having it.  He went after that Lion like any little dog with a little dog complex would do!  All of the Lion’s bravado was gone.  He coward back and the crew quickly learned that the supposed mean ole lion was a big fraidy cat.  Instead of bullying him (word for you young people out there) They decided to partner up with the Lion, to see the Wiz so that the Lion could get some courage.

If you don’t know this particular version of the Wiz, well things go pretty bad after they befriend the Lion.  There is a man with some creepy puppets in the subway, trash cans start attacking them and even the poles come after them.  Don’t even get me started on the Monkey Motorcycle gang that’s after them.  The lion in seventies terms  decides he’s going to“split” and runs the fastest from this entire crazy scary  scene.  When he looks back he sees his friends are far behind him and are calling for help.  He  runs back to help them scared all the while and rescues his friends.  When faced with a challenge that didn’t involve him but involved his new found friends he dropped his fear or maybe he took his fears with him but he took action!  He was suddenly a mean ole lion.  Fighting to save his friends.

Martin Luther King Jr.  said “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and conveniences, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. “  

 Trust in the God given Gifts you have and let your character SHINE!  Even in the dark places when you want to run and hide!

** Here is the link clip of the Lion singing “I’m a mean ole Lion.”


  1. Amen to that!!!!

    1. It's hard to swallow fear, but when you do it can feul the fire.
      Many blessings to you
