Thursday, August 29, 2013


Psalm 32:7 New American Standard Bible
You are my hiding place; You preserve me from trouble; You surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah.
 Selah - (subtitled…ahhhhh!) Breath In-Breath Out or, ‘I Googled- It’
I looked up this word...As it appears a lot in Psalms and I have heard of many different interpretations.  Back in the day I would have pulled out the huge Webster Dictionary that came with the encyclopedia set that my Mom invested in.  Now? Well things have changed, I can find the definition and I don't even have to really know how to spell the entire word.  Thanks to Google and/or Bing you start typing and it will quickly ask…Did you mean…What is SelahWhy, yes, that's exactly what I wanted to know!  It's like the net knows my thoughts before I complete them.
Selah (Hebrew: סֶלָה‎, also transliterated as selāh) is:
-          A word used 74 times in the Hebrew Bible  
-          Mentioned 71 times in the Psalms and three times in Habakkuk and is a difficult concept to translate.
-          (It should not be confused with the Hebrew word sela‘(Hebrew: סֶלַע‎) which means "rock.")
-          It is probably either a liturgico-musical mark or an instruction on the reading of the text, something like "stop and listen".
-          Selah can also be used to indicate that there is to be a musical interlude at that point in the Psalm.[1] The Amplified Bible translates Selah as "pause, and think of that".
-          It can also be interpreted as a form of underlining in preparation for the next paragraph.
Last week I took a vacation, wait, not so much of a vacation because I strongly feel a vacation should involve beach, sand and a lounge chair.  So I will call it” a Break".  A break from my normal routine of wake up, pray, wake up the child, send her off to school, and send myself off to work, (work really hard, like a hamster in a wheel going nowhere!) at the end of the day - pick up the child, put her to sleep, then myself and then getting ready to do it all over again the next day.

Instead, this past week I took work out of the equation.  Unfortunately I filled it with house-work like tons of laundry, cleaning, and running errands.  Don't worry, I still took care of my sunshine in the midst of it all, but I was still tired.  You ever take a vacation or a break and find yourself needing a break or a vacation from the vacation?  Well, that is right where I found myself, needing a break from the break.
Selah is a break in the song, a break in the music of life, a time to sit still and listen.  Not talk, but listen to the residue left of the song.  A time to reflect, it's a ‘no action required’ moment.
My prayer for you is to schedule in Selah moments.  I know you've got too much going on, but let me tell you, the Selah moments may just save your life and your soul and present the world with a better you. - The God you.

This blog is a little shorter than most, but it’s full of what God gave me to give to you.
Selah my friends, my family, strangers (aka future friends)
Sources: God the Father, Maker of Heaven and Earth! - And and

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