Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Beats by Dr. Dre' (Yikes they cost HOW MUCH?)  

Ephesians 4:29-32
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Thank you God...I apologize for being late.
One day I was hanging out with my family and I noticed that one of them had something that I felt cost way to much, so much that I never even attempted to try them out.  She was holding a pair of  Beats by Dre headphones.  If you don't know what they are, these are head phones that cost more than all of my 20 pairs of dollar store head phones combined.  They usually start at around $100.00.  (correction I just looked it up, the pair I want cost $168 - don't judge me yet until the end LOL)  I quickly judged her purchasing such an extravagant item and told her that headphones are headphones and they can't be that great!
Of course this comment by me was followed with, can I try them please?  She found one of my favorite songs on her mp3 then handed me the headphones.  I only wanted to try them so I could laugh at the money she had thrown away. 
I put these large headphones on my head that reminded me of my first Walkman headphone/radio combination from back in the eighties that had the radio built in, however, I was suddenly transformed into another world.  I was at a gospel concert, I mean seriously, I was in the front row.  I could hear every instrument and every note...It was insane.  I opened my eyes because the bliss of the music had caused me to close them and enjoy my vision.  And it got even better when I opened my eyes because there before me stood my daughter.  She was talking, but I couldn't hear her.  I mean I couldn't hear a single word, but her lips were just moving.  I could only hear the beautiful music.  She was pointing at candy or something, not now...because I had a beautiful symphony a private concert going on in my ears. 
 Dollar store head phones, no way! I had been put in touch with something that was worth the cost.  I officially began planning my budget for Beats by Dre headphones (FYI, if I am on your Christmas list - Amazon gift cards would be appreciated because I sure know what I want for Christmas).
This is not an advertisement for fancy headphones, but it did make me think of the value and beauty of quality.  Are you giving quality?  Are you loving with quality or are you giving dollar store love, just enough so that if it breaks you can quickly replace it with something else that is cheap.  Are you giving the best? Remember God gave His very best, His most qualified, His perfect heart beat.

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