Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My will...thank you for Thy Will

My Will (It is written)

John 6:38-40
"For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. "And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all that He has given Me I lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day. "For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him, may have eternal life; and I Myself will raise him up on the last day."
I talked about my visit home, last week.  There were so many lessons I learned while I was home.  Like Washington DC heat is so different from Charlotte, NC heat.  I learned that my mother's smile and hugs still bring me joy and peace like I am a five year old.
I also learned that life is short and long and amazing all in one second.  While I was home I saw a news report about a lady who was I choose to believe, having a regular day...Maybe she had gone to work (where someone got on her nerves and she questioned why she even started this career)  and maybe she talked to her family and told them she loved them (I hope) and that she would be home soon.  She got into her almost paid off car and began her regular path to home (she grumbled about the traffic) and THEN HER LIFE CHANGED!
An unknown vehicle struck her vehicle and caused her to fall off of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge (pictured above) into the water below.  Now you know we all think about what we would do if we were driving across a bridge and our car fell off the bridge.  Some of you may crack the windows to be prepared, so that you can stabilize the pressure and be able to easily break the window when the power goes out because of the water.  Fortunately, I have an earlier model car that does not have power windows, because of this I am convinced I would be "a rolling the window down fool" for those few seconds the car was in the air. 
I have no clue what this woman's plan was, but she sure as heck had a good one, because she survived. She didn't survive because someone jumped in and got her out of the car, she survived because she got out and with broken bones, swam and held on.  She also had  enough common sense to swim to the closest piece of ground (a beam under the bridge) and not to the shore (which she most likely would not have reached due to her condition and the strong current of the river.)
Her WILL to live is amazing.  It wasn't her time.  She wasn't going out like that and she took action.
My prayer for you is that you take ACTION.  Not just letting life drive you around but, by faith love and the WILL of God, you do amazing things in this life!
 Here is a link to the article:

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