Ecclesiastes 4:6 Better is an handful with quietness, than both the hands full with travail and vexation of spirit.
No is one of the first words we ever learn.
You ever wonder why as you looked with tired eyes at a baby who has said no to every question you have ever asked them. Well no is a temple protecting word. No can protect your sanity, your joy, your family, and your body.
It's a skill that we loose as we grow though. We are eased into a world of yes. Whether we are told to say yes to be polite or yes because we really desire something we say Yes and we get more. But I believe you loose more too. You slowly loose that secure imaginative place you had as a child, where you could verbally warn people to back up off you with a powerful. NO.
Now when someone ask you to do something not only do you do it you allow them to take over your sanity, take over your time, and manipulate your emotions when you could have just said no.
Don't blame the people who ask, check yourself and ponder why you weren't honest and said No.
Saying yes to situations be that at work or at church when you really want to say no doesn't make you a better coworker or Christian than me, but it can sure as heck make you more angrier.
I'm just a little old bird out here trying to tell you that No is not such a bad word. No can be a peace giver a life saver and an opportunity in saying No to this world, might just open a world you never even expected.
Say no for protection, say no for your peace, say no for love of self, say no because sometimes its the truth.
No is a powerful protective word that we have not loved as we should. There are folks out there right now that are feeling not compassionate and mean because they told someone No or even worse they are angry mad and frustrated as they put on a fake smile and suffer through some situation that they should have said no too.
Saying Yes or No doesn't make you a stronger better weaker or kinder person.
Being true to God and yourself that is where the intentions of your heart dances!
Start loving who you are and being ok on your decisions because you are basing them on a strong foundation of faith and love. Love yourself, so you can love others - It really is the greatest gift EVER
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