Monday, January 6, 2014

The Crazy voices!!!

The crazy voices (that's odd that voice sounds like MINE)

For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,

 Life has been moving wonderfully sweet and fast and slow all at the same time, if you know what I mean.  When God blesses you things seem to line up in perfect order and life moves along and then the voices come. 

You can't do this!

This wasn't meant for you!

You suck!

This will never work.

You don't even know what you are doing. 

You will fail.

You can't walk on water! (but wait didn't Peter even if only for a second or two)

The world seems to tornado from your wonderful yellow brick road to a cracked sidewalk.  And you know what happens when you step on a crack...

So as I walked on my roads paved with goal, small cracks started appearing.  Cracks of doubt insecurity and low self esteem.  Who was causing these cracks who was evil enough to destroy the wonderful blessings that God had placed in my care custody and control.

That's odd the voice that was creating the heated cracks across my path was not a jealous neighbor or a hater from my past who prophesies my demise.

The dag on voice was my voice...My own sweet voice telling me that I wasn't good enough.  That I didn't deserve the gifts, that voice put its hands on its hips and told me that it knew all the dirt of my past and I didn't deserve one single thing.

Fortunately, God had prepared me for my own voice.  He told me to cover my head and guard my heart.  I didn't know at the time he meant even against my own self, but you know what sometimes we are our own worst enemy.

Bless yourself, love yourself, believe in yourself, not even the weapon of your own mind shall destroy you.


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